We are excited to announce, in honor of our 50th anniversary, Williamsburg Academy will be raffling off a 2020 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab truck. A model is on display beside the Tack Shop on campus. Tickets are being sold at $50 each and the drawing will be held at the 50th Anniversary Finale Celebration on April 4, 2020. All proceeds will go to benefit additions here at Williamsburg Academy. Every student has received a packet that includes 5 raffle tickets and a flyer including additional information. Some great incentives are being given out for selling tickets:
For every 5 tickets sold, the seller’s name will be entered into a drawing for FREE WA TUITION for the school year of 2020-21 or $2000 cash.
The student who sells the most tickets will get to throw a pie in Mr. Matthews’ face in front of all our entire student body.
The tickets are in a manila envelope with the student’s name, grade, and home room teacher. After selling 5 tickets, we ask if you send the tickets stubs and money back to school in that same envelope. (Make sure the envelope is sealed or secured.) Please indicate on the envelope if you need more tickets to sell.
Thank you in advance! For any questions or concerns, please email Miss Elisa at eswicord@williamsburgacademy.com:)