1000 Sandy Bay Road Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone: (843) 355-9400
Fax: (843) 355-7734

FCA Recap

This week at FCA, Joe Womack, the youth pastor at Kingstree Presbyterian Church, spoke on faithfulness and loyalty. He used the examples of being loyal and faithful to your wife, girlfriend, husband and boyfriend. He also shared a story on how he was in a 3 point basketball contest. He said that he was using a new shot for the 3 pointer that he hadn’t had enough time to practice. He ended up with 4 3 point shots in 2 minutes and won, but if he would have stayed loyal to his normal shot that was familiar and he was good at, then he would have done better. He shares this with us to tell us how loyal and faithful Jesus is. Jesus will be there for you when you need him every time, he is even with you everyday even when you are having a great day. Jesus will always be your most loyal and faithful friend and we should be the same to Him. Everyone is invited to join us each and every Wednesday in the gym.