Dear Santa,
My name is Gracie Allen. I am five years old, I live in Kingstree. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas: a Barbie Dreamhouse, Big Barbie, Big barbie camper and small barbies. I have been a very good girl this year. I’ll leave some snacks out for you.
Love, Gracie Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is J.T. Baylor I am four years old, and I live in the country. Here are some things I would like to get for Christmas: a Four wheeler, a Gator, and a BB gun. I have been a very good boy this year. I will leave some snacks out for you.
Love J.T. Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Ollie Floyd. I am five years old and I live in Greeleyville. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas. I would like a Robot, Dinosaur, Super Hero, and Army men. I’ve been a very good boy this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Ollie Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Bryce Gamble . I am four years old and I live in Kingstree. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas. I would like a Batman toy, a dinosaur, colorful blocks, and a pizza oven. I’ve been a very good boy this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Bryce Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Hank Hemingway. I am five years old and I live in Kingstree . Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas. I would like a real phone, duck boat, real gun, and a real car. I’ve been a very good boy this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Hank Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Liam Thompson . I am four years old and I live in Andrews. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas. I would like an Axe to go with my sword, Go Kart, Helmet, and a Chest plate. I’ve been a very good boy this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Liam Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Kimmy Hutchinson. I am four years old and I live in Kingstree. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas. I would like a pink camera, a barbie farm, a toy christmas tree, and a toy table. I’ve been a very good girl this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Kimmy Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Mary Helen Kellahan. I am four years old and I live in Kingstree. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas. I would like a barbie Ariel ,nerf gun,barbie car, and a rainbow keychain. I’ve been a very good girl this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Mary Helen Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Emma Mims. I am five years old and I live in Kingstree. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas. I would like a mermaid barbie, glitter, a barbie car, and a toy reindeer. I’ve been a very good girl this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Emma Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Gray Henderson. I’m 4 years old and I live in Andrews. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas; an iron man suit, a nerf gun, a mega batcave with 3 levels, and 3 blasters . I’ve been a very good boy this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Gray Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Jesse Whetsell. I’m 5 years old and I live in my house. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas; a new pillow, a really big gun, a new clipper, a new stove to put toast in. I’ve been a very good boy this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Jesse Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Mac Holliday. I’m 4 years old and I live in Millwood. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas; a camouflage gator, real gun with black shells, army gun, nerf gun. I’ve been a very good boy this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Mac Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
My name is Mary Miles Newell. I am 4 years old and I live in Kingstree. Here’s a few things I would like to get for Christmas…..
Barbies, American girl dolls, glitter ipad and play toy computer. I’ve been a very good girl this year. I will leave out some snacks for you.
Love, Mary Miles Williamsburg Academy 4K
Dear Santa,
Hello! My name is Brody Hedrick and I am 6 years old. I live in Kingstree, SC. I have been a very good boy this year and have been thinking of what I want for Christmas. I want an Xbox, $10,000, dog, a ps5, a gold bike, a kitten, fortnite toys, and a RC. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Brody Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
Hello! My name is Tanner Ward and I am 7 years old. I live in Kingstree, SC. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I want for Christmas. I want a ps5, $10,000, electric scooter, Fortnite toys. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer
Love, Tanner Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
Hello! My name is Harper Sanders and I am 5 years old. I live in Kingstree, SC. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I want for Christmas. I want an electric 1, skate board, and kinetic sand. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer
Love, Harper Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
Hello! My name is Ellie Gause and I am 5 years old. I live in Kingstree, SC. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I want for Christmas. I want an Xbox, doll, and a pedicure. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Ellie Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Cole Tisdale and I am five. I live in Kingstree SC. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas…. some weights and some Fortnite. I am very excited for your visit and will leave some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Cole Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Bryson Bryant and I am five years old. I live in Kingstree SC. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas, a Go Kart, Kids Army Tank, and a Nerf gun. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer
Love, Bryson Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Cooper Ganes and I am five years old. I live in Kingstree SC. I have been very good this year and I have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas, a rabbit, Lol camper, and Kinetic sand. I am very excited for your visit and will leave some snacks for your reindeer.
Love, Cooper Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Jayce Fulton and I am five years old. I live in Kingstree. I’ve been really good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas; A Mighty Pup, Tower, Electric Rc. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Jayce Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is LeeAnn Barnhill and I am six years old. I live in Georgetown. I’ve been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas. I want a pet parrot, a kitten, lol camper. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, LeeAnn Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Harper McClary and I am five years old. I live in Kingstree. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas. I would like a lol camper, lol skate boar, kinetic sand, go cart, electric scooter. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Harper M. Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Mary Whetsell and I am six years old. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas. I would like a electicdr, skateboard, and a rabbit. I am very excited for your visit and will leave some snacks out for you and your reindeer.
Love, Mary Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Carson Hilton and I am 5 years old. I live in Kingstree, SC. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas. I would like a Fish, Pet turtle, and a Kitten. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Carson Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Owen Newel and I am 6 years old. I live in Kingstree; SC. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas. Dog, kids jeep, remote control gold lambergini. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Owen Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Taylor Avant and I am 6 years old. I live in Andrews, SC. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas. I would like a Dollbaby, electrict scooer, and a dog. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love,Taylor Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Brianna Clark and I am Five years old. I live in Kingstree. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I want for Christmas. I would like an electricar, kitten, electric sand. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Brianna Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Maxie Cooper and I am six years old. I live in Andrews. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I want for Christmas. I would like a doll baby, electric car pink, and a go cart pink. I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Maxie Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
My name is Amelia and I am 5 years old. I live in Andrews. I have been a very good girl this year and I have been thinking of what I want for Christmas.. I would like Squeaky the balloon dog, L.O.L. House, a hoverboard, more clothes for my doll, and a new Elsa costume! I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.
Love, Amelia Williamsburg Academy 5K
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I hope you do not have Covid 19! I have bin a very good girl and my sister din a good girl. Will you bring me a xbox, a Apple watch, a Nin tend Switch, blue four werl and a makeup kitet. I love you. I will leave yout reindeer some carrots.
Lola McClam, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus? I hope you do not have Covid 19. I have been a good boy and Annston has been a good girl. Will you please bring me camo shot gune, fishin rode, and some bate. I Will Leave your reindeer some carrots. I Love you?
Hudson McGee, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Miss. Claus doing I hop you do not have Covid 19! I have been a good girl. Will you please bring me a doll, earrings, LoL doll, and Apple Watch. I Will leva your rad cookies. I love you!
Madison Phipps, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs Claus doing? I hope you do not have Covid 19! I have been good. Will you please bring me a ipod, a ipad, lol doll, apple watch, and some ankle bracelets. And i would Love some Mr. Sketch markers. Merry christmas I love you!
Liza McGill, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs Claus doing? I hope you do not have Covid 19! My sister and I have ben good. Will you pleas bring me a pink hover board, now LoL, MiMe Brand, and same clip on earrings. I will leav carrots for your raendeen.
Love, Ellie Baker Belue, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I hope you do not have Covid 19! I have been goof but Solley kind of bad. I love you. Will you please bring me a go cart haver board, a helmint, and knights armor and tools. Merry Christmas
John Thomas Thompson, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs Clause doing? I hope you do not have Covid 19! I have beena goodgirl. Will you bring me a Tv, a tablet, and Phone. I will leave carots for your reindeer. I love you!
Leni Hemingway WA 1st Grade.
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I Hope you do not have Covid 19! I been nice this year. Will you please bring me a Barbie doll, a watch a Elsa stims, snow hat, and a playdo set, a phone. Merry Chistmas Santa
Madelyn Stuckey, WA 1st Grade.
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I hope you do not have Covid19! I have been kind of a good boy. Will you please bring me a nentend switch, go cart, TV, poe lego set, helmet, Toy bowandaro, and laren, I pod, xbox, apple watch, knights armor, and a spaceman castum. I will leave you reideer some food. I love you!
Giles Hanna, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs Claus doing? I hope youdo not have Covid 19! I have been a good girl. Will you please bring me a I pod, a hoverboard, a Applewatch, a Lol doll, aMine Brand and a board with markers like Miss Missie’s. Merry Christmas I Love you!
Emma Kellahan, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I hope you do not have Covid 19! I have been kind of good. Will you please bring me Fishingbaits, Xbox, Xbox cachlr, TV, Xboxcachlrcharger,gocart Fishingrod, and new Tacklbox. Merry Christmas Love, Fisher Morris
Fisher Morris, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs Clause doing? I hope you do not have Covid19! I have bin a goid girl. Will you please bring me a Moped, newearrings, Loll, and mekn with hair. Merry Christmas Love, Kinsley Burns
Kinsley Burns, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. Will you please bring me a bike or toy citchin snow runr foutnite a nrfgun. I will leave you some cookies. Merry Christmas! I love you.
Bentlee Thompson, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. Will you please bring me a toy girl and boy, a game, a little lie pets, a push toy. I will leave you some cookies. Merry Christmas. I love you.
Braelyn Tisdale, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are ding well I have been good this year Will you please bring me a toy puppy, a american girl doll, a pink sweater I will leave you some cookies. Merry Christmas.
Love, Lydia Buckner, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. Will you pleasa bring me an ipad, a sweater, a black bike, a little pupy, and a for wheeler. I will leave you some cookies. Merry Christmas! I love you,
Allie Baylor, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. Will you please bring me a IFane 12, a blue bike, a dog, a crab, and a cat. I will leave you some cookies. Merry Christmas! I love you.
Spencer Williams, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doigh good. I have been good this year. Will you please bring me toy insects sKcrbbie sKcubbie pets Kitten and puppy stffdeanimal Merry Christmas. I love you
Callie Gamble, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
i hope you are doing well iv been good this year. Will you pleas bring me a x box, and joy, and a real dog and a bi ke, an a play staushin. I will leave you some cookies. Merry christmas love Noah Matthews
Naoh Matthews, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well I have been good this year. Will you please bring me a junastick beem, a toy puppy, some toy flair, some baby dallas, A shienee clock, a nuther christmas chirt, Iwill leave You some cookies. Merry Christmas love, Lucille McClam
Lucille McClam, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. Will you please bring me a new elf, ashralln, a base ball, a toy car, a ipad. Merry Christmas! I love you, Ryder Altman
Ryder Altman, WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. Will you please bring me a new elf, I fon 12, a blue bike, ameri. I will giv you sum cookes toy bog ana prite powe that it spiral and stano mulhros toy. Merry Christmas! I love you
Charlee McCants WA 1st grade
Dear Sants,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. Will you please. I will leave you some cookies. I will gife your reindeer. I love you. I bin good Merry Christmas!
Love, Joanna Richburg WA 1st grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. Will you please, bring me a toy dog, american girl doll, and a pink bike. I will leav you some cookies. Merry Christmas! I love you.
Love, Skylar Player WA 1st grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Stark, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is hot pink. My favorite sport is baseball. My favorite thing about Christmas is celebrating Jesus being born. The present I want the most is a LOL doll. Some more presents I want are a long sleeve pink minkedotdress and a scruffy pet.
Love, Stark Phillips
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Daven, and I live in Andrews. I have been a good boy. My favorite color is Blue. My favorite sport is Kickball. My favorite thing about Christmas is presents. The present I want the most is a Nintendo Switch. Some more presents I want are a Thomas and friends wooden wallay, a pj mask watche, a nintendo switch, a computer, and headphones.
Love, Daven Miller WA 2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Lizzy, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is braown. My favorite thing about Christmas is spinding time weth my family. The present I want the most is a puppe. Some more presents I want are a fone, a macoup sete, som art stuff, a computer, and a dj sete.
Love, Lizzy Gilchrist WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Ivy. and I live in Lake City. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite thing about Christmas is God’s birthday. The present I want the most is a mini 4wheeler. Some more presents I want are a pop it, a new Ipad case, a new dog, make up, and legos.
Love, Ivy Love
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Blair, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sport is baseball. My favorite thing about Christmas is celebrating Jesus being born. The present I want the most is a oculusquest. Some more presents I want are legos, makeup, IPhone, fake nails, and a oculusquest.
Love, Blair Woolley
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Porter, and I live in Greeleyville. I have been a good boy. My favorite color is green. My favorite sport is football. My favorite thing about Christmas is when Jesus was born. The presents I want the most are sonic and mario olympics games. Some more presents I want are nerf guns, a trampoline, a laptop, rc planes, a rc battle ships, fortnite, and a xbox.
Love, Porter Pack
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My Name is Parker,and I live in Andrews. I haven been a good boy. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sport is baseball. My favorite thing about Christmas is Jesus’ birthday the present i want the moist is a nintento switch. Some more presents I want are a leather belt, xbox games, Ipad case electric scooter, and a bike.
Love, Parker Brandon
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Bryce, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good boy. My favorite color is green. My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite thing about Christmas is being with my family. The present I want the most is a Lego set.
Some more presents I want are Xbox 1 game, science set, head set, arts and crafts, and a dinosaur that grows up to 600%
Love, Bryce McClary
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Dalton. I have been a good boy. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sport is football. My favorite thing about Christmas is putting up the Christmas tree. The present I want the most is Baby Yoda. Some more presents I want are Gismo toys.
Love, Dalton Woolley
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Will, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good boy. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sport is football. My favorite thing about Christmas is Jesus’s Birthday. The present I want the most is a xbox. Some more presents I want are nerf guns, a drone, games for a xbox, a soccer set.
Love, Will Hoff
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Ashlyn, and I live in Andrews. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is pink. My favorite sport is softball. My favorite thing about Christmas is Jesus Birthday, our elf, and our tree. The present I want the most is a real life baby. Some more presents I want are a phone, balance beam, clothes and money, duck boots, and barbies.
Love, Ashlyn Elliott
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Tori, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is red. My favorite sport is football. My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with my family. The present I want the most is a puppy like judge. Some more presents I want are baby doll clothes and stuff, toy flamingo, makeup, new golf cart, and slime.
Love, Tori Monteith
WA 2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Kamille,and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is black. My favorite sport is softball. My favorite thing about Christmas is getting to gether with my family. The present I want the most is oculus Quest2.
Some more presents I want are nint tindow, I phone 2, ps5, computer, skait bord.
Love, Kamille Arnau
WA 2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Hayes, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good boy. My favorite color is white. My favorite sport is football. My favorite thing about Christmas is celebrating Jesus’s birthday. The present I want the most is a real football mouth piece with the cross. Some more presents I want are a chain with a cross, a gopro, Nintendo Switch, football cleats, and a real Seahawks Russle Willson jersey.
Love, Hayes Newell
WA 2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Harper, and I live in Andrews. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is pink. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite thing about Christmas is that Jesus was born. The present I want the most is an Iphone 11.
Some more presents I want are a baby doll set, a pretend laptop, a real looking baby doll, a dog toy for Black Jack, and some games to play
Love, Harper Tisdale
WA 2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Cady ,and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is red. My favorite sport is gymnastics. My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with my family and friends. The present I want the most is a Barbie dream house. Some more presents I want are a barbie care clinic ,america girl doll ,america girl doll bed ,america girl desk ,and a bitty baby.
Love, Cady Dorrell
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Elizabeth, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sport is football. My favorite thing about Christmas is Jesus’s birthday. The present I want the most is robot dog. Some more presents I want are an ice cream stand, pajamas for my doll, now case that stands up, watch, lol van with lols.
Love, Elizabeth Whetsel
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Bethany,and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite thing about Christmas is because Jesus was born. The present I want the most is the foxelfpet some more presents I want are lols ,lego friends ,girl stuffy elf ,computer and a watch that can play games
Love, Bethany Hall
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Austin, and I live in kinstree. I have been a good boy . My favorite color is green. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite thing about Christmas is presents. The present I want the most is ps4. Some more presents I want are vr, rad robot, cozmo, hatchet, and of dragons wizards fairies.
Love, Austin Tisdale
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Summer, and I live in a house. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is neon orange. My favorite sport is softball. My favorite thing about christmas is Jesus’ birthday. The present I want most for christmas is my family and friends. Some more presents i want are asum academy,a loket,a bracelet,lol doll and a smushy mushy.
Love, Summer McCrea
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Jordan , and I live in kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite thing about christmas is spending time with my family. The present I want the most is a telescope. Some more presents I want are a book about stars, an Elsa doll ,a mermaid doll, a cow stuffed animal, and Elsa costume.
Love, Jordan Sanders
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa
My name is Braydn, and I live in Andrews. I have been a good boy. My favorite color is black. My favorite sport is baseball. My favorite thing about Christmas is going to see family and opening presents. The present I want most is the Nintendo switch. Some more presents I want are a gaming headset, rainbow LED lights ,nintendo switch farming sim 2019 ,football gloves , football post ,and oculus adventure 2.
Love, Braydn Cooper 2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Cecilia, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is pink. My favorite sport is football. My favorite thing about christmas is giting with my family. The present I want the most is a real baby bunny. Some presents I want are iphone, xbox, airpods, air pod case, controller ipad, oculus.
Love, Cecilia Livingston
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Julia, and I live in Kingstree. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is pink. My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite thing about christmas is family and friends. The present I want the most is a new flexible ball. Some more presents I want are fake finger nails, crafter stuff, a moth book, a spelling book, some more games.
Love, Julia Ward
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Hunter, and I live in Lake city. I have been a good boy. My favorite color is black. My favorite sport is football. My favorite thing about Christmas is when baby Jesus being born. The present I want the most is segway. Oculus Quest 2, iphone 2 pro max, real kittens, gaming computer, and science set.
Love, Hunter Soles
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Eliza, and I live in Andrews. I have been a good girl. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sport is volleyball. My favorite thing about Christmas is my family. The present I want the most is Squeezamals. Some more presents I want are Courtney, Courtney’s bunkbed, ice cream shop, and caboodle.
Love, Eliza Newton
WA 2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Kerrie and I’ve been a really good girl and I am thankful for our school and my favorite reindeer is Rudolph and here is my list for Christmas: 1. gelpens 2. electric scotter 3. applewatch 4. vans shoses 5. baby dolls 6. computer 7. roboxt Birds, 8. candy canes 9. unicore plushie 10. fake nails
Kerrie, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Landon and I’ve been a really good boy and I am thankful for my family and my favorite reindeer is Rudolph and here is my list for Christmas: 1.fortnight v buckscards 2. Gameing computer 3. Gameing chair 4.Nerf Gun 5. tv 6. Mask 7. SteKer 8. Boklgon 9. Pencil 10. clochs
Love, Landon, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Emmett and I’ve been a really good boy and I am thankful for my Dad and my favorite reindeer is Rudolph and here is my list for Christmas: 1. pencils 2. Crayons 3. back pack 4. pencil case 5. Markers 6. Desk 71000,000 Dollars
Love, Emmett, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Whitney and I’ve been a really good girl and I am thankful for my family and my favorite reindeer is Rudolph and here is my list for Christmas: 1. LoL Lous 2. Camra 3. Cloths 4. Shoes 5. Makup 6. Gellpens 7. Vanidey 8. fluffy chair 9. gift cards 10. money
Love, Whitney Olivia Tisdale, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Gretchen and I’ve been a really good girl and I am thankful for roof and my favorite reindeer is Rudolph and here is my list for Christmas: 1. golve cart 2. gel pens 3. roller skates 4. been hazle 5. Bakugans 6. Mug 7. girl elf on the shelf 8. toy bird that calls me 9. Candy 10. seekeret door
Love, Gretchen, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Isaac and I’ve been a really good boy and I am thankful for my family and my favorite reindeer is Prancer and here is my list for Christmas: 1. Bakugan 2. Gelpens 3. Dinosaurs toys 4. Dino Backpack 5. Bic pen 6. Pencils 7. Crayons 8. stickers with Pinoon 9. moon stone 10. Vock collection
Love, Isaac, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Elizabeth and, and I’ve been a really good girl and I am thankful for Miney and, my favorite reindeer is Prancer and here is my list for Christmas: 1. Ladtop 2. Ipod 3. Snickers 4. Bakugans 5. timetables Book 6. Bow and Arow 7. New Ipad
Love, Elizabeth, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is AJ and I’ve been a really good boy and I am thankful for the world and my favorite reindeer is Blisten and here is my list for Christmas: 1. phone 2. ladtop 3. glock 14 4. Slim 5. new glove 6. face shild 7. dirt bike 8. Yeezys 9. new book bag 10. a floding chair that can float in the pool
Love, AJ, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is AJ and I’ve been a really good boy and I am thankful for my famly and my favorite reindeer is roodof and here is my list for Christmas: 1. big sid by sid 2. 12 gauge pump 3. 20 gauge pump 4. dre soft gun 5. pant poll gun 6. gas folweler 7. Gelpenns 8. poles set 9. namstur and stuf 10. 710 and 10 gage pump computer $99,000 roket lanchn 50 ca
Love, AJ O, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Rowdy and I’ve been a really good boy and I am thankful for evrethign and my favorite reindeer is roodof and here is my list for Christmas: 1. Aiphone 2. A ax 3. A nintento 4. A ear sof gun 5. A computer 6. mincraf on my computer
Love, Rowdy, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Corinne and I’ve been a really cool girl and I am thankful for My family and my favorite reindeer is rudolph and here is my list for Christmas: 1. Legos, 2. Socks 3. desk 4. markers 5. Gelpens 6. color penicels 7. Lamp 8. real bunny 9. fake glases 10. new backpack
Love, Corinne, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Delainey Hanna and I’ve been a really good girl this year. and I am thankful for my life and my favorite reindeer is Rudolph and here is my Christmas list: nitendo switch, Our generation stuff, and big lego sets.
Love, Delainey Hanna, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Haley and I’ve been a really good girl this year and I am thankful for my teacher and my favorite reindeer is Rudolph and here is my list for Christmas: 1. gel pens 2. Bubles 3. twistePet 4. Air brone 5. Markers 6. briesair bord
Love, Haley, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How is Jonesie my elf? Are the elves working good during Covid? This year I would like a massage chair, Apple Watch, jump rope, clothes, spy kit, pineapple thin mask, piggie bank, 3 pairs of jogger pants, and a mini smartboard.
Hallie Tisdale, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How have the reindeer been? Saturday we couldn’t fined our elves. How have the elves bin buring Covid? I know I made a first list but I don’t want anything on that list. May I have a Smart (mini) bored, Dillards purse, Dillards shoes, spy kit, little square camera 5, piggy bank, and clothes.
Anne Kellahan, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How have you been this year? How are your elves been? Tell Prancer I said hey. I have been a little good. My brother has made me mad a lot. I would like a pug, shotgun and an Ipod.
Allen Colt McKenzie, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How is it in the North Pole? How is Rudolf? I have been good this year. I would like a chalk board, and a Rainbow High Doll, a LOL Surprise Remix doll, and that’s all.
Elaina Easler, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How are your reindeer? How are you in the North Pole and how are your elves doing during Covid? I have been ok. I have tried by best to good. If you would please give me a few things: a Rubik’s cube, a Science kit, a fourwheeler, and a Xbox.
Love, Abigail Player, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How has your year been if you can get me some toys that will be great so I want a lap top, a mini couch, vbucks 13,500, 4 clemson hats and clemson clothes, and 1 more thing a clemson rug and a pet fish.
Jake Hedrick, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How are you and the reindeer? How have the elves been during Covid? I tried my best. If you want to give me something I would like a Dillard’s shoes with pink starts, Dillard’s pink purse, Joss the American girl Doll, a pink Tamagotchi, and vlogging camera. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Addison Kellahan, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
I have been sort of good but I have tried. If you would like I want a xbox1 headset and a concert creater Kit, a P opsie please! a light up scooter, unicorn helmet bicycle with training wheel’s, Bay Blades. . LOL Bedset, Rainbow Girl Dolls, No clothes! and a Toy Box please, play staion 5, and XBox one gift card.
Elli-Anna Stone, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
Hey how are you? It is no fair that the elves don’t have to wear their mask. I have kind of been good. All I want for Christmas is a rifle. I know that’s not as much as years before. My dad said if I get it, It has be the only thing.
Dade Floyd, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How has your year been? I have been good this year and I want four wheeler Rancher and I want it to be automotic and I want it to have mud tires and pipe and a basket.
Jack McKenzie, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How has your year been? I have been trying to be good this year and I want a Shotgun to go visit Brydon Price, a RC car, and a can am.
Jayce Moree, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How are you doing in the North Pole? Can your elves make me a treadmill, a fishing pole, a ipad. I hope you have a good Merry Christmas.
Finn Swinnie, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
How have the elves been during Covid? I think I have been good but I had tried my best. How have Mrs. Claus and the reindeer been? If you would want to give me some toys I would want a fortnite, head phones for fortnite, and more games for the Nintendo Switch,
Hank Wise, 3rd, WA
Dear Santa,
My name is Olivia. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas I want Harly Quinn stuff from Birds of Prey in cluding malet, costumes, and wig. But most of all I want my grandma to get better.
From, Olivia McClam Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Jack. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas I want a WWE elite Kane, a scooter and a WWE wrecking entrance stage.
From, Jack McGill Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Josey. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas I want Posca pens, Bedding, Stickers, and a phone case. And also, Santa, how are you and Mrs.Claus? Merry Christmas
From, Josey Dail
Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Gavin. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas I want a nintendo switch, Pro scooter, nintendo games, Vans, and boots. Have a Merry Christmas, Santa.
From, Gavin Matthews Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Henry. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas I want a gocart, a nintendo switch, and v-bucks.
From, Henry Brown Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Alijah. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas I want a lol band, flying remote control drone, a real glass tea set, and an apple ipad. Im making cookies and milk in my santa inside mail box my dogs are sweet and playful. I also really really want a elf with blonde long hair and a pretty red,golf, green dress with shoes with a mini bello nthe sides. Bring a cookie for Mrs. Claus.
From, Alijah Boatwright. Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Carson. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want some new clothes, a headset, a mouse pad, some candy, and a tiny bit of cash.
From, Carson Tisdale Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Brayden. I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want the LOL remix dolls. Lego friends bus. A pair of sweatpants. Harry Potter legos and a Harry Potter wand. And my ELF to come. Thank you.
From, Brayden Floyd Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Kelsey. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want a lego friends plane set. A Nintendo switch game. And made to move barbie. Thank you so much Santa.
From, Kelsey Jeffers Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Anna Rhett Hedrick. I Am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want jeans, horse stuff, dog bed, Expo markers, clothes, shoes, horse calendar, coloring stuff. How are ya’ll? thanks!
From, Anna Rhett Hedrick Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Leigh Anne. I am 9 years old and in the fourth grade. For Christmas this year I want an L.O.L. O.M.G. doll remix super surprise playset please!
From, Leigh Anne Holladay Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Christopher. I am 9 years old and in the fourth grade. For Christmas I want a new phone, AEW wrestlers , and an AEW wrestling arena.
From, Christopher Cherinko Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Copelyn. I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want an Iphone, clothes, for my Nana to get well soon, and me to be nice to my sisters.
From, Copelyn Mims Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Greyson. I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas I want everybody to be happy and my mom to get better from her surgery and this Corona to go away.
From, Greyson Hill Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Bently. I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want Durtbik with the ger.
From, Bently Brown Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Sophia. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want nintendo games, a gocart, a pool, lol dolls, lol dollhouse, a phone, and dreses. How is it going and how are the reindeer and mrs.Claus and how are the elfs? thank you
From, Sophia Jacobs Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Kinsley. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want a phone, tablet, clothes, shoes, christmas tree horse calendar, a clock, and two bible verses.
From, Kinsley Prosser Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Sarah Wesley. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want some LED lights, A big shelf for my stuff, surprizamals, Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. A big dog bed and a cat collar.
From, Sarah Wesley Cox Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Asher. I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want a Sheachue slate phone case and v bucks and lego sets also req packs in Halo 5 and merry christmas.
From, Asher Nettles Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Josh. I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want a Nintendo Switch and Animal Crossing for it. I would also like some lego sets.
From, Josh Holt Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Avery. I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want an our generation ice cream truck, an echo dot 4th gen, a secret crush doll and a mini doll, a LoL 2020 collector, and a giant squishmallows.
From, Avery Belue Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is John Wayne . I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want Call of duty black ops 4 and my cousin turner to get better out of the hospital.
From, John Wayne McKenzie Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Paige Kellahan. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want for all kids to get gifts, people to love Jesus, and for I can spend Christmas with both of my families this year.
From, Paige Kellahan Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Allie. I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. For Christmas this year I want a saddle, a custom phone case, I hope you and Mrs.Claus have a great Christmas
From, Allie Miles Williamsburg Academy 4th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
A bow, basketball 9091, lean up tree stand, new clothes, and some jackets.
Brycen Wheeler Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
a puppy, an IPhone 11, shoes, candy, face mask, makeup, Xbox games, an Xbox, and art stuff.
Sincerely, Alexis Worrell Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
A new phone case, clothes/pants, shoes, a new Ipad, Ipad case, apple pin, shampoo, conditioner, and more surprises.
Sincerely, Margaret Ryan Hedrick Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
An airsoft Gun, Iphone 8, Dirt Bike, Snow 8 inches, and new clothes.
Sincerely, Jacob Christmas Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
Bugs in the kitchen, cry babies fantasy, ultimate sound art, NG GITd marble run, MG Lu Skyrockets, friends jungle rescue base,648 pieces, monopoly ultimate baking, furreal friends snow dragon, and present pets.
Sincerely, Maggie Caroline Jones Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
A real white jeep, new phone, clothes, and money.
Sincerely, Morgan Lane Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
A TV, bike, air pods, PS5, and a chair for gaming
Sincerely, Weston McKenzie Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
makeup, clothes, hoodies, Drake jacket, new Muck boots, and moonlight
Sincerely, Rylee McCrea Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
An Iphone 12 pro, apple pen, led lights, a hat, anchor nano, Drake jacket, call of duty cold war, a shotgun, and a new ganter.
Sincerely, Henderson Livingston Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
Xmaxx, xbox x, 5X5, and P55
Sincerely, Jamison Rodgers Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
a shell belt, a shooting vest, a turn board, a stretching band, new tap shoes, new ballet slippers, leggings, hoodies, and a door.
Sincerely, Deanna Grace Godwin Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
A pc, pokimon, rainbow keyboard, rainbow mouse, to see my family, nintendo switch, ps5, and a rainbow controller.
Sincerely, Cameron Gamble Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
a pellet gun, a real jacked up Jeep with speakers, more hunting clothes, a deer stand, another lab/dog for my Popa, a new bed, LED lights, a lot of food, and a new phone.
Sincerely, Peyton Copeland Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
Toy boat, toy truck, play- station 4, bait caster, buzz bait, and snipping reel
Sincerely, Brody Lee McConnell Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
A new bike, a new ripstik, an xbox, Robux gift cards, legos, and a fortnite disc for xbox.
Sincerely, Eli Brown Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
A computer, a shotgun shell belt, and some crankbait lures.
Sincerely, Jack McCrea Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
Harry Potter books, athletic clothes from Adidas, new shoes, and an Iphone 7
Sincerely, Ella Cumbie Williamsburg Academy 5th grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year. For Christmas, I would like…
LED lights, $10,000 of hunting stuff, tickets to the super bowl, new clothes, PS5 call of duty, 9,000 homework passes from my teacher, for it to snow, a four wheeler to give to my sister, and an Iphone 11pro.
Sincerely, Carter Copeland Williamsburg Academy 5th grade