Dear Santa,
I am 4 years old. My favorite color is blue. My Bestfriend’s name is Reed. My favorite snack is Cheetos. I want a Side by Side and a dinosaur for Christmas.
From, Hopson Gause 4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I am 4 years old. My Favorite color is green. My Bestfriend’s name is Hopson. My favorite snack is Cheetos. My favorite Christmas Movie is Santa Claus. I want a drone and a piano for Christmas.
From, Reed Mccrea 4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I am 4 years old. My favorite colors are blue and red. My Bestfriend’s name is Colby and Lane. My favorite snacks are Oreos, milk, and ice cream. I want a Dirtbike and a jacket for Christmas.
From, Mccoy Blackburn 4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I am 4 years old. My favorite color is orange. My favorite snack is cerel. I want a teddy bear, toys, and books.
Ofelio Toribio
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I am 5 years old. My favorite color is pink. My Best friend’s name is Belle. I love playing. My favorite snack is chips. My favorite Christmas Movie is Home Alone. My eyes are blue. I want a lol doll for Christmas.
Mary Miles Newell
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I am 4 years old. My favorite color is blue. My eyes are brown. I want two dirt bikes for christmas.
Emmette McCrea
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I am 4 years old. My Favorite colors are pink and blue. My best friend’s name is Goedy. I love ice cream, sleeping, and popsicles. My favorite snack is Ice cream. I want an American girl doll with blue and pink hair, A real hoho like Santa Claus that talks and stuff, and a teacher toy like Miss Brandy.
Belle Moree
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I am 5 years old. My favorite color is Blue. My bestfriend’s is my sister. I love my towel. My favorite snack is chips. My favorite Christmas Movie is a lot of them. My eyes are green. I want….. A truck for christmas.
Keaton Wooley
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I am 5 years old. My favorite color is pink. My best friend’s name is joan. I love my family. My favorite snack is cheese sticks. My favorite christmas movie is the night before christmas.The color of my eyes are brownish greenish. I want a Gabby’s Doll House (kitty doll) and a hoverboard.
Kaylan Blackston
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Joan. I am 4 years old. My favorite color is yellow. My best friend’s name is belle. I love belle.My favorite snack is chips. My favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone. The color of my eyes are blue. What I want for Christmas is a barbie car and a swing.
Joan Kellahan
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I am 5 years old. My favorite color is pink. My best friend’s name is Hadley. My favorite snack is chips. My favorite Christmas movie is the Elf Movie. The color of my eyes are brown.I want a Barbie Dream House and Barbie clothes for Christmas.
Palmer Kate Cooper
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Nicholas Tisdale. I am 4 years old. My favorite color is blue. My best friend’s name is McCoy .My favorite snack is chips.
Nicholas Tisdale
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Lorelei Van-Austol. I am 4 years old.my favorite color is pink.my best friends name is kenny.i love to to play.my favorite snacks cookies.my favorite christmas movie elf on the self.the color of my eyes are blue.what i want for christmas is a barbie house,barbie dolls and a barbie bed
From Lorelei Van -Austol
4k Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a new xbox, a bike, a basketball, and a basketball goal.
Hank Hemingway
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a football helmet, a football, and a football jersey.
Bryson Bryant
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want an Iphone 12, an LOL doll house, and a barbie car this year for christmas.
Mary Helen Kellahan
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like an Iphone 13, an Xbox, and a toy gun.
JT Baylor
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
This year I’m asking for a toy Santa like you, a race car with building tracks, and a remote control jet.
Wyatt McAnulty
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas this year I would like a barbie doll, barbie car, and a toy slide.
Emma Mims
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a remote control helicopter, a minecraft action figure, and some toy army men this year for Christmas.
Ollie Floyd
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
This year I want a Big Pop It, a Cabbage Dolls House, and a big squishy unicorn.
Gracie Allen
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
This year I’m asking for 2 games: I want the rattlesnake Jake game and the “Beat the Parents” game. I also want a bat cave toy and a spiderman car.
Gray Henderson
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want 2 pets: I want a unicorn and baby puppy. I also would like a phone.
Brianna Britt
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I need a new tablet charger, I would also like a nintendo switch, and pop it toy.
Bryce Gamble
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I’d like a bouncy castle, a Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy’s plush, and a Bonnie from Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy’s plush.
Liam Thompson
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a mini kitchen so I can cook, a unicorn stuffed animal, and a baby Yoda stuffed animal.
Bailee McCants
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I’d like a basketball goal, a shotgun, and a machete.
Jesse Whetsell
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a phone, a Barbie doll, and a real or stuffed animal puppy.
Mary Whetsell
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a coloring book, a Barbie house with a slide, and a pool for Christmas.
Hadley Poston
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a happy napper, potty pocket pack, and a robot car for christmas.
Kimmy Hutchinson
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
This year for Christmas I want an xbox, huge legos, and a giant nerf gun.
Ro Kellahan
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I’m asking for a four wheeler, a new chicken, and a new gun.
Mac Holliday
5K, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please brim me a new bike, some new socks, snaw glow, and a new real puppy. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Taylor Avant
1st grade williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me a new luv bear, some new socks, some new fish, and a microsope. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Paigelyn Tisdale
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me a dirt bike, some, new nerfgun, a new football, and some new fortnite poster. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Cole Tisdale
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me a real puppy, some new books, a phone, and some new makeup. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, LeeAnn Barnhill
Dear Santa,
I hope you are boing well. Please bring me crocs, a real gun, a apple watch, and a bady alvie boy. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Summer Grace Fulton
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me a new doll house, some new socks, a new ipad, and a new lego set. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Ashton Mims
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well Please bring me a raincoat, a new Ipad, a Iphone, and a Barbie house. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Harper McClary
WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me some new hats, new socks, a foot ball, and a xbox card. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love Brody Hedrick
Wa 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me a metaldector, some crocs, gocarts, a new xbox. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Clark Paugh
WA 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me some new socks, some new fish, a cats and iPad. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Carson Hilton
WA 1st grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me some new dolls, some more ear Rings, a new dollhouse, some more socks, and a toy boat for the tub. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Holly Brown
WA 1st grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me a new tablet, some lego bes s&r, cne remote in. hot wheels. I have been good this year. I will leave you some cookies. Merry Christmas!
Love, Joseph Peirce
WA 1st grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me new shoes new shirts, a new watch and a nerf pistol. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk Merry Christmas
Love Khrisian McFadden
WA 1st grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me some makups, the doll unicorn, a dolls, and new socks. I have been good this year. I will leave you milk and cookies.
Love, Brianna Clark
WA 1st grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. Please bring me an Xbox, some lol dolls, a pet horse, and a doll house, legos. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Love, Ellie Gause
WA 1st grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good This year. I woutd like for you to bring me a x box, a Toy elf, a Toy car and a new bike. I will leave you some cookies and milk I love you be safe
Tanner Ward
1st Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would like for you to bring me a bike, a laptop, a game, and a football. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Be safe. I
Jayce Fulton
1st Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would for you to bring me a laptop, a doll, some new fuzzy socks, and a huvr bord. I will leave you some cookies and milk and caritas. I love you Santa.
Rivers Gibbons
1st Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year i woud like for you to bring me a Lattop, some new socks, slime, and a big four wheeler with a specker. I will leave you some cookies and mike. Be safe. I love you! Merry Christmas!
Maxie Cooper
1st Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope are doing doing well. I have been good this year.I would like for you to bring me a x.box, a caod, a now bik, and a puppy. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Merry Christmas Santa!
Easton Daniels
1st Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa, I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I woutd like for you to bring me a rainbow Have Doll And a car, slime and a cat. I will leave you same cook and Milk. I Love you SoSo much. Merry Christmas
Carley Altman 1st Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would lik for you to bring me a Ipod, a doll, a puppy, and a cat. I will leave you some cookies and milk. I Love you.
Ada Brown
1st Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would like for you to brining me a L.O.L camper and a pet fish and some new sock and some new dolls. I will you some cookies and milk. Be safe I Love you!
Cooper Ganes
1st Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would like for you to bring me a controller boat, a controller jeep, a football and a catapult. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Merry Christmas.
Walton Slater
1st Grade
Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would like for you to bring me some dolls,slime,a toy car, and a laptop. I will leave you some cookies and milk. I Love you Santa!
Be safe.
Amelia Kurliak
1st Grade
Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would like for you to bring me a laptop, a phone, a huverbord and a TV. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Be safe, I Love you!
Alden Mims
1st Grade
Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would like for you to bring me some new socks, a Laptop, slime,and a dog. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Be safe. I Love you!
Merry Christmas
Harper Sanders
1st Grade
Williamsburg Academy
Dear Sannta,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would like for you to bring me a toy barn, horse toys, A unicorn, a racer and a puppy. I will leave you some cookies and milk. I Love you. Merry Christmas!
Julia Tims
1st Grade
Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would like for you to bring me a Laptop, a phone, a TV, and a huverbord. I will leve you some cookies and milk. I love you!! Be safe!! Merry Christmas!!
Devanie Brown
1st Grade
Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like: A ipod, A American girl doll, A alexa and a monkey and for kids to be happy
Love, Emma Blair Kellahan 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like: a panda sqoosh melo, a ELF stuffed animal, a panda lego-set, rainbow vanes, a sketch book, a teacher book, disney card, chalk, some dry aras markers
Love, Ellie Belue 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like: Bunk beds, unicorns, kittens, a phone, big pop it, a new book bag, fights balls
Love, Lydia Buckner 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like: phonecase, 4 weeler, shoes, shoes, close, phone, fake gun, glow shoes
Love, Leni Hemingway 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like: books, a cat, I phonell, a lamb, blocks, a bowl owl, pop its, toy car
Love, Spencer Williams 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like: a hors, a cumputbu, a huvrbord, a camra, a scabob, a gtow, sam feges
Love, Lizzy Gilchrist 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like: Football gusand, A 88 Dallis callboy jerse, the scar, more hottwells
Love, Rivers Powell 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas i would like: a dog, worm lose
Love, Charlee McCants Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like: Some hunt and fishing stuff and hairy potter legos and a cat pleas thank you
Love, Kelby Gunnar McCutchen 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like: a popit I pod case for the one I got last year. A clemson Baskball. Candy in my stocking
Love, Liza McGill 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a headset, a laptop, and a nerfguns, a hunting bow and big boy underwere.
From Hudson Mcgee 2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like walkie talkies amy set, a samsordanijsodt, and duldset family.
From Wyatt Freeman 2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a tomahawk, Machede, fishing baits, nerf guns, xshot guns and a chipmunk.
Love, Fisher Morris Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a mooshety, a gun ,and a dog.
Love, John Thomas Thompson 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a cammpy set, a gta cart for ps4, a clos bow nerf gun, bow fishing bow, a 6000 mgiflcar, and a astastmooso.
Love, Ryder Altman 2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like lol dolls, and baby dolls, doll home and a cat for my sister because hers got hit. Her name is Rivers.
Love, Madison Phipps 2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a toy cat and dog, a camera, some fidgets, some art stuff, markers, paper, a bunny toy, cat plush, and a dog plush.
Callie Rose Gamble
2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a realgertar, xdox, glasses gust like my old ones, microphone, art kit with animal, and a chess set.
Lola McClam
2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want clhows, cowgirl stuff, a boot for your foot when you heart your leg, and a chihuahua puppy, and a cash register and a barcode scanner and barcodes and a cophuater.
Allie Baylor
2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like books, school stuff, pocket book, ball, bed, computer, cute stuff, closa.
Kinsley Burns
2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like aipod, a doll bous, xbox, ipad, sleep over, kitty, a petworm, flower, and a new book.
Lucille McClam
2nd grade williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like some barbie dolls, a toy elf, jumbo trampoline, candy, lip smackers slime, art set, gumball mashine, toy camera, shoes, and fidhet spinners.
Madelyn Stuckey
2nd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like an iPad, stuffed pingwins, an Xmax, fidget pack, Nirf guns and amo, more candy, and Freddy, Durpy Chica, Nightmare Bonny Plushes.
Bentlee Thompson
2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a Solarrobot, a swingset, Pkxd game gard, books, please get my dad a truck cleaning kit, jumbo fidget pack, electric boat, stuff boy fox, nerf gun with bullets, choclate money, hershey’s, harry potter toys
Giles Hanna
2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a pc, xbox one, dog, books, work out stuff, cool stuff
Braelyn Tisdale
2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like 10.000000 vBucks, a fortnite nerf hevy, a hoverboard pls, and a halo pistol pls pls pls and a dog.
Noah Matthews
2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like Pixie riders, a bunny, bear thats pink, a phone, intindoe switch, a new bookbag, a new book, a toy fish, that comes alive in water, a new pare of close
Scarlett Van Ausdoll
2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like an xbox
Chloe Brown
2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a phone, efl pes, cat, x box, tv, game, bibie, hove bober, baby boll
Skylar Player
2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like hens, a chickin pin, a stuffed animal chickin, a computer, a cut cat pichr, a chickin pchr.
Joanna Richburg
2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a wiet borb wif the murchs and pop its and lusuch book, a layup, a pop nutbook a new Junieb jones
Emmalaya Nichols
2nd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a key board, an ipad, and rain deer elf pet.
Stark Phillips
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like skincare and some blanket fack vines and bath bombs abd tree hut scrubs and maui shampoo and mini fridge face masks pumpkin spice latta shampoo preppy earrings a new note book and shirts.
Harper Tisdale
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like Madden NEL 22, sports stuff, bracelets, Columbia PFG hats, for you to put Hayes’ name on my upward team, a present from the North pole.
Bradyn Cooper
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like make up, a gift card for Mcdonald’s, please please a puppy, Santa all I want is a puppy please.
Julia Ward
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a IPhone 12, make up, split mat, hachmais, LOL, a sweater.
Ashlyn Elliot
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a clean home for my mom and I would like is a new cat and I would like it to snow and I would like is a new toy car that I can go in it and I would like is a new baby cat.
Elizabeth Whetsell
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like ocles Quest 2 nentenioe PC and games vans and buck cards a new bike and vans cloths
Hunter Soles
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a vr headset, mine brands, stitch pjs, and stitch clothing, iPone 11, canputer and iPone 11, iPone 11 case if I ever get one, make up, a popsock it, fake nails, scunchie, led lithgts, and one thing that is not for me is a surte, for my dog an ix and I what it to sare cool lick Cecilia and dog food to help my mom and an stich scrunctche and slime and snow that is all I want for Christmas and thank you and an golfcart.
Cecilia Livingston
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like ipad 5 i toon card pokyimon card tshirt inteno switch games card basket ball a lesh minecraft gift card robox gift card a charjur miny fridge a new book bag xbox hed phone
Jonathan Higbe
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like VR, Xbox, sonic toy pack, splat amidos, sonic amidos, screechers cars, mario kart race track transformers, figits, wii u with games.
Daven Miller
3rd Grade Williamsburg Academy
`Dear Santa,
I would like a Alexa, old row t-shirts, old south hat,snake boots, tall socks, fourwheeler, phone case, puppy collar, coffee maker, deaderend, madden 22 nfl x box, mini fridge and air pods
Parker Brandon
3rd grade williamsburg academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a tablet, skipet, iphone 12,basketball, a kite , a goat 1000,0000,0000,000 puppies, a farm and 1000,000,000,000 animals, a bird, now tina shoes a bunch
Bethany Hall
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a mini goldendoodle, a volleyball net, lush bath bombs, figets, a jean jacket, tree hut scrub, make up, white crocs, skin care, skin care fridge, jeans, boots , shampoo, condiner, nail kit, hand soap, facemask, loitan, hair ties, scruches, a horse, horse band bracelets, make up wipes, southern simple shirts.
Ivy Love
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a rinebon gors
From, Addison Morris 3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like south carolina sports stuff, x box, four wheeler, for you to put braydens name on my upward team, a present from the north pole, ask God if he can make it snow, lebron james autograph, whatever you want to give me, another teeny tiny dog.
Hayes Newell
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
`Dear Santa,
I would like a honda dirt bike, a rc plane a battleship, a iphone 12 plus, x box with call of duty ww2, a gold necklace chain,, german shepherd a black one, a laptop with beamng drive warthunder, snow runner, farming simalutor 19 and a rc big truck a ww2 uniform, helmet, and a M1 grant
Porter Pack
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
a bunny 1 and ane miles and make up thats all
Blair Woodley
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
a nintendo switch a game called animal crossing and minecraft and a reborn girl with her eyes closed clothes for her a microphone a ipad that i can play games on Thank you cady P.S. love you.
Cady Dorrell
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Xbox gift card and roblox gift cards and roblox toys that comes with exclusive virtual items and vans come backpack and light gray sneakers and hats and hoodies
Will Hoff
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
IPhone 11 cobby the cruises bear a boy baby doll a horse or a puppie and baby clothes the baby boy that was 62$ with the bear shirt.
Summer McCrea
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
IG slime, New book bag, skin care, maui shampoo, face mask, bath bombs, preppy things tree hunt scurbs, organizer, mini fridge/kindabig, body wash, fakeyelashes, lashin, hair tyes, horse, dog like judge but a girl, makeup wipes, makeup, shirts!
Tori Monteith
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
A hoverboard and american gril a plane set, a gift crad for Road blox
Eliza Newton
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My family and friends and i want a picture of Mrs. Sherle i realy realy miss her and i want puppies and a iphone 13 and my dad is allergic of cats but i want a white cat i want a spy ckit a new bike a zo sheep and 100 goats and 100,000 coyes and a farm for the animals and 100,000 chicks.
From,Jordan Sanders 3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Oculus. Keyboard. Iphone 12. Mariokart track. Puppy. Wackytrack. Poppy tube. Boxy. Foxy. Thiccshark
Austin Tisdale
3rd grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want a Reborn, I need clothes, I’d wear black leagens, i’d read harry potter and I’d really love you to bring me love and joy
From Hannah May Skipper 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want Ipad, yeezy, iphone box case, I need foot bay, I’d wear Braden price mach, I’d read truck book, and i’d really love you to bring me ipad, yeezy
From Jack Mckenzie 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want prim colors patch, paint, art stuff, PC setup, I need clothes, patcils, cookes, hoodies, I’d wear hoodies, hats, I’d read warrior cats, wings of fire, and I’d really love you to bring me a pc setup
From Brooklyn Floyd 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want a german shepard, I need a new room, I’d wear PJ’s, I’d read coloring books, and I’d really love you to bring me a keyboard popet, a phone case popet, every slime in the world, the biggest popet in the world and the iphone 13
From Elli-Anna Stone 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want a nintendo swich, i need pepoll to eat happ and my front teeth to be strat, I’d wear pajam shert, I’d read horse books, and I’d really love you to bring me Jooy to the world
From Rowdy Burrows 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want a hoverboard seat attachment, I need black shorts, I’d wear shorts and a t-shirt, I’d read crenshaw, and I’d really love you to bring me a hogwarts lego set.
From Delainey Hanna 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want air pods, i need shoes, I’d wear adidas, I’d read diary of a wimpy kid, and i’d really love you to bring me a phone case, a cool air pod case
From Hank Wise 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear santa
I want earrings,I need markers,cororing books,I’d wear WA clothes,I’d read owl diaries and I’d really love you tobring me fidgets and slime
From Madison Forsythe 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want piano Keyboard, i need shoes, I’d wear WA shirt, I’d read Harry Potter, and I’d really love you to bring me make up set, lego set, dog man books, air pods
From Abigail Player 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want a hover Board, i need markers anda bunch of paper, I’d wear fish and deer shirts, I’d read all the diary of a wimpy kid, and I’d love you to bring me hover board, legos, muric plyer, i phone 11
From Emmett Johnson 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want another doggie! and salt rock, I need new shoes and cloathes, I’d wear hunting clouthes, I’d read Books and I’d really love you to bring me all these thing’s off my Christmas list!
From Kerrie Strickland 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want a cat, I need a new shower head, I’d wear new cowboy boots, I’d read magic tree house, and I’d really love you to bring me a desk
From Corinne Kellahan 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want a Ockules head set vr , I need mony, I’d wear cool cloth, I’d read nothing, and I’d really love you to bring me a flipen ockules vr headset
From Jackson Floyd 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want duck waters, I need twelv gag shotgun pump, I’d wear duck waters, I’d read Hary poter, and I’d really love you to bring me a AR15, twelv gage shotgun
From AJ Ottinger 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want baltamore football, I need nothing, I’d wear football jersey, I’d read chapter books, and I’d really love you to bring me dirtbike
From Allen Colt Mckenzie 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want a golden retriever, I need expo markers, I’d wear shoes, I’d read The mysterious society, and I’d really love to bring me a bunch of candy
From Hallie Tisdale 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
I want pelltgun and a AR15, I need waters shotgun 12 gg, I’d wear cloes, I’d read books and I’d really love you to bring me a AR15
From Parker Floyd 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
How is Mrs. Claus? Are the reindeer? I’ve been good. I’ve been thinking about what I want a laptop most of all. And I want this cool bamboo Katana. Oh by the way how’s Ladybug? That’s it for now
From, Bayler Hall 4th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I need some ankle socks please. When I was little I did not think Christmas was about Jesus Birthday But now I do. Slime Lickers.
From,Gretchen Dukes 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer and how are you. What I want for Christmas is a paint ball gun, PS5, and a Airsoft sniper.
From,Finn Swinnie 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well I really want a Iphone 13 and a Tri-pod, and $1,000
From,Elizabeth Schutte 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus I hope she is good and how are your reindeer doing, and my sister wants blocks.
From,Isaac Hernandez 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
May I have a Drone, Twisty Pets, and new ear rings, and airpods. And how is reindeer and how is my elf and how is Mrs. Claus
From,Haley McKenzie 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope that you and your elfs are having a good year. I’m really hoping that my elf comes tomorrow. And I hope that I get a Dirtbike and phone but I might not get all of it but i don’t care if i don’t get any of it. And I want a new Blitzball bat and two bat tapes, and Jordans and I hope you have a good year.
From,AJ Tanner 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing good. This is what I want for Christmas. White Cleats, White Football gloves random.
From,Jake Hedrick 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas this year I want a volleyball net to play volleyball with my friends. I would really want a Softball glove and bat but if it’s too much to ask for I can pass. I would like some nice clothes so momma don’t tell me I wear clothes like a boy and that’s all. Oh but one more thing is for my heart to follow Jesus my whole life.
From,Preslee Anne Cooper 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus and how are the reindeer. Your are probably busy with all the presents. I want a mini brands, clothes, shoes, Dillards Jacket weighted blanket, jeans, slime likers, 20 gauge shot gun/
From,Anne Kellahan 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? I would like 3 mini Brands, American girl doll clothes, 100 dollars, a new water bottle, cowboy hat, tiny dog, slime lickers, 2 chapter books, any one does not matter to me.
From,Whitney Tisdale 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are the elfs doing and Mrs. Claus I would like a clothes, shoes, Mini Brands, a pink dillards jacket, perfume, clear fake glasses, smiley face ring, cross ring, gold cross necklace, slime lickers, and first august book.
From,Addison Kellahan 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeers doing and the elfs and how many gifts are you having to give to children and also how’s Mrs. Claus how fo you feel about people decorating for Christmas I heart you like cookies but what are your favorite cookies you got and what is the most expensive thing you ever had to get for a kid how many kids are on the naughty list and nice list, but anyways Merry Christmas
From,Elaina Eastler 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I hope you have a safe flight on Christmas Plus this is what I would like: A large amount of transformers. Hot Wheels. A set of wireless earphones and finally this is not going to be possible a new phone.
From, Liam Thompson 4th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? I would like to tell you what I want for Christmas. If it’s not too hard for you, I really want an Iphonell! I would also like: vans, fidgets, Squishmallows, art supplies, clothes, clay beads, lego sets (star wars and harry potter), nice makeup, a giant gummy, and finally, modeling clay. By the way, I’ve been good. Have a spectacular Christmas!
Avery Belu 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I can’t wait for Christmas! I hope everything is going well in the North Pole. I would like these items: a Honda fourwheeler, new iPad, cross chain necklace and gift card to top golf. I hope you have a Merry Chrstmas!
John McKenzie 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Am I on the naughty list? I hope not. I don’t want much this year, but I do want the following items: modeling clay, Fortnite gift cards, and a lot of candy. Between you and me, my parents won’t let me get in-game things like v-bucks, but I know you can come through for me.
Josh Holt 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are the elves doing? Thank you for my elves! How are things? Thank you very much for the presents you’ve got me over the years. This year I would like: A box full of fidgets, LED lights, snake boots, the new Barbie Surprise pack, Iphone7 case, new pj’s, ChromeBook, Hoverboard chargers, slippers, ACNH switch, Golf cart, and an AG Doll. Please try your hardest to bring these gifts to me. I think I have been a good girl this year.
Olivia B. Holladay 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hi! How are you doing? Hope everything is going well at the North Pole! I would like the following things for christmas: fidgets, money, shoes, phone case,and some nails. By the way, have I been good this year? I have tried my best this year! I hope you can get everything everyone wants/needs. Oh, I forgot to ask can I have some Squish mallows? Thank you: Merry Christmas!!
Copelyn Mims 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa! How are you and your elves? I would like to have these items: a desk mic, money, candy, and Steam and Roblox cards. Thank you for all these gifts if you give them to me. Merry Christmas!
Carson Tisdale 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hey Santa how are you? If you can I really want a dog. I would also like a water bottle from aunt Sa’s store! And also a new bike by the way I love sparkles my elf and charlie. If you have anough can I have a dog elf two dog elves Could I have some store stuff from aunt Sa’s store. One more thing I really want a four wheeler thank you!
Sarah Cox 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like to tell you what I want for Christmas; I would really want a 12 gauge shotgun, buck shot, Razer keyboard, mini huntsman, Xbox gift cards, new dove bucket, a cross baseball necklace, and a gift card to Top Golf.
Love, Paxstyn Cooper 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How is the North Pole? Thank you for sending Snowflake, Jingle, and Timothy. I’m in the 5th grade now, and made new friends this year! This year, I’m not getting any presents. Its because you spend too much money and some kids don’t get anything. I hope you and Mrs. Clause have a very merry christmas!! I love y’all!
Paige Kellahan 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Clause? I have been pretty good this year, so i was wondering if i could get a chrombook and some pretty stickers to go on it. I am kinda geting bored of my phone case so can i get a lilack purple phone case. How is roodof and his readnose talking about red can i get some red nails. Have you ever had a squishmallow or fidget. well if you havent you need some. Merry christmas
Brayden Floyd 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hey, how are you doing? I hope you are having a good time. If you can, I would like: a black and white Keyboard and mouce, a dog, and a go-cart. By the way I have been really good this year. Have a merry christmas. I wish you well.
Christopher Cherinko 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you today? I hope you are doing okey. What I want for Christmas: a basetball hop, popits, slime, and some swet shrits, and some boots, and some Ps4 games and a yede cup with my name on it, and some shirts, and some new hats.
Gracie Fenters 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hello Santa, How are you? Christmas is coming, I bet you and your elves are busy. These are some of the things I want for Christmas: a Nintendo Switch, a bucket of slime, paint, and a lego set.
Kelsey Jeffers 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hi how are you doing? if you can will you get me a fouwheelr with a gun rack and a helmet and a Jack Jacket.
Bently Brown 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? How is mrs. Claus? Have you been doing well? Has the grinch been messing with you? I would like some clothes, a tablet, nintendo e cards, bath bags, baseball cards, a speed rubiks cube, controlled for switch, and pokemon cards. That’s what I would like for christmas. I have been very good this year. Have a merry christmas.
Gavin Matthews 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer doing? I think I have been very good this year. If you have these things, I would like: an Ipad, dolls, clothes, shoes, books, and a plant. I can’t wait for Christmas this year! I hope you have a great christmas.
Josey Dail 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa, how’s the weather in the north pole? How is mrs. claus? Hope you two are good. I would really like the following items for Christmas : dolls, fidgets, sweaters, foamboard, paint, leggings, wooden dowels, and modeling clay. By the way, I’ve been very good this year! Have a very merry christmas
Leigh Ann Holiday 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? Hope things at the North pole are good? If you can, I would like: jeans, boot cat, candy, shirts-simply southern, horse stuff, a hat,trampoline, shoes, sweat shirts, bike, sweatpants, church clothes, boots, socks, and hair ties. By the way, I’ve been really good this year. Merry Christmas!
Anna Rhett Hedrick 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus? I bet your elves are really busy. I really would like the following items for christmas:bunny, Oculus Quest Two, Jumbo harry potter Castle Lego set, and a lot of Fidgets. I’ve been really good this year? Merry Christmas Santa!
Auburn Godwin 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I hope the reindeer are doing well. For christmas, i would like: Iphone 11, bench press with a set of 100 weights and a VR headset. In my stocking, I would appreciate: Jelly fruits, fake snow, and airpods. And I would like a silver baseball chain.
Jack McGill 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? Is being Cocky bad? I hope he is being good. What I want for Christmas is: Harry potter stuff, craft supplies, laptop, and room decorations. I hope you still like your special milk and cookie jug. Can’t wait for you to come and see us!
Merry christmas,
Olivia McClam 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hi, how are things at the North pole? I hope you are doing well. I would like the following items listed down below for Christmas: a new phone, a sheikah slate phone case, a few nerf guns, and I would also like to get a rifle for christmas. Well, those are all the things I would like for christmas.
Asher Nettles 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How is the weather? Can I please have: Nerf turret, Robux, Goat cart and laptop. By the way, I have been good. Santa has a Merry Christmas! Have a New Year!
Love, Henry Brown 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hi! How is the weather at the North Pole? How old are you? Why did my dad tell me he makes the elf move? Do your elves make the following: Xbox series S, jewelry, clothes, shoes, or LED lights? For Christmas I would like the following: Xbox , jewelry, clothes, shoes, LED lights, and robux. I’ve been good this year. Ps don’t say you’re as old as time. Merry Christmas.
Carmen Brown 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa How are you doing? I would like to take a moment to tell you what I want for Christmas. Well I would really like the following items for Christmas: nintendo switch oded in white with accessory kit and voucher, pokemon brilliant diamond, xbox series x, death note book,oculus quest 2 vr headset in black, chromecast, and google stadia.
Brayden Abrams 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus in the north pole? I really want for christmas: big bottle of dr. pepper, four wheeler, x-box, harry potter books. I’ve been good this year
Harry Walters 5th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I hope no one is sick in the cold up there. I’m still learning how to write in cursive, but to me it looks okay i guess. I would like the things in the following sentence: bootcut jeans, simply southern shirts, books, a dress, jean shorts. Thank you for all you’ve done for me! Merry christmas
Kinsley Prosser 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer doing? How are you doing? For Christmas this year I would like: fidgets, sewing machines, clothes, shoes , money, gift cards, nintendo games, jewelry, and a hoverboard seat. Hope you have a great Christmas and please say hello to mrs. Claus for me. Have a merry christmas!
Sophia Jacobs 5th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you’re doing well. Let me know how Mrs. Clause is. ? For Christmas I would like, a new iPhone 11 or 12, a case for it, some clothes, some room décor, jeans, a jacket, candles, a four wheeler, cowgirls hat and surprises. That’s all I have for now, hope your doing good ?
Margaret Hedrick 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like a Roblox gift card, a new basketball goal, a new jump rope and some Nerf guns. I would like a new TV, if I don’t get one before that. I would like some new books and some new jeans.
From, Eli Brown 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want a new Drake jacket, a fishing rod, a tackle box, a go-kart, new tires for my four wheeler, a new phone case, new Georgia boots, a new hat, a new wallet, new pants, LED lights and a new baseball glove.
Carter Copeland 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you had a good year. What I would like for Christmas is a gaming laptop, a keyboard and a mouse. I would like a gaming table and that is all I want.
Johnavon Fulton 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Can I please get a male German Shepherd puppy, Apple air pods, Rick Riordan’s books and more games for my Nintendo Switch?
Maggie Jones 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want a Glock 19, Outlaw 2 and a four-wheeler tires. That’s it.
Brycen Wheeler 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How is it in the North Pole? Are you ready for Christmas? Speaking of Christmas this is what I want for Christmas. The first thing I want is a new IPhone, a four-wheeler, air pods, an iPad and shoes. That’s it for now.
Your Friend,
Malaya Barns 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want a new four-wheeler for Christmas, a new shotgun, waders and that’s it. Well, maybe get my momma to not yell at me all the time.
Morgan Lane 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing good. I want some fishing rods, new waders and new air pods.
Jamison Rodgers 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want some hunting clothes, fishing clothes, a bait caster, Ranger and Muck boots.
Brody McConnell 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like comfortable stuff like leggings, hoodies and sweatpants. I would also like Clemson pajama bottoms, and can you make school disappear please.
Anna Grace Godwin 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want new camo clothes, accessories for my new boat, and a new hunting golf cart. I don’t have a big Christmas list, just a few things. Thank you, Santa.
Jordan Skipper 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want candles, clothes, shoes, room decorations and jewelry. That’s it!
Rylee McCrea 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a cowgirl hat, some new hunting clothes, a western saddle, some pit vipers, a new gun and beef jerky dip.
Peyton Copeland 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I would like Air pod 3s, Yezzey shoes, candy, stuff for my dog, and a new shotgun.
Henderson Livingston 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I hope you have fun delivering presents. What I want for Christmas is NBA 2k22. Thank you for giving presents.
Weston McKenzie 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. For Christmas I want film, clothes, and a L.L. Bean purple bookbag.
Ella Ruth Cumbie 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want air pods, a soft beanbag, clothes and a four-wheeler.
Ann Hadley Sutton 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
How have you been this year? I would like clothes, a new phone, shoes, candles, body scrub, soap, Mac Book pro and room decor.
Love, Alexis Worrell 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
I want a Mystery Tackle Box and a skeet thrower.
Jack McCrea 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
What I want is for whoever is reading this to have a good day or night.
Cameron Gamble 6th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Trystan and I am an 8th grader at WA. For I would like a Dyson air wrap so I can curl my hair without damaging it. I would like an Alexa so I can play music in my room. I would like to have a Roka so I can watch movies on my TV in my room. I would love to get a fluffy cow so I can love on it. The thing I would love the most is a super power so I can teleport places and to read people’s minds to cheat on tests.
From, Trystan Burrows 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Jay Kellahan. I’m an 8th grader at Williamsburg Academy. I’m asking for a sweatshirt, sweatpants, t-shirt, and hunting clothes. I’m also asking for a baseball glove, baseball net, golf balls, batting gloves, baseball tee. I want money. Fishing lures, led shower head, shoes, and baseballs.
From, Jay Kellahan 8th Grade, Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Leighton. I’m a student of WA. All I want for Christmas is to be with friends. I honestly get very bored around the holidays and being with friends is always a good time.
From, Leighton Powell 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Ben. I’m in 8th grade at WA. I want a cruise ship, spaceship, cargo ship, pirate ship, and a plane so I can go anywhere in the world.
From, Ben Harper 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Sharon and I am an 8th grader at WA. For I want a dinosaur riding a unicorn. I also want a mermaid riding a seahorse. Then a purple cow and a talking bear. That it thanks
From, Sharon Lian, 8th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Carson Ann and I am an 8th grader at WA. For I want a pink dinosaur. I also want a pet monkey and a tiger. Can I also get a fluffy and a talking duck? Hope you and Mrs Clause are doing good. Hope you get to eat a lot of cookies.
From, Carson Ann McCutchen , 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Krisalyn and I’m an 8th grader from WA. I want a four-wheeler . I want a four wheeler so I can ride in the woods and throw mud. I also want a speaker to go on it. I want a speaker so I can play music while hiding.
From, Krisalyn Hanna, 8th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Abigail.Im an 8th grader in WA. For I would like a Carolina herrera perfume, LuLulemon leggings, LuLu shorts and tank top, new steel toe boots, a new drake jacket, sugar scrubs etc. I have a long list so that you can pick and choose from the list. Have a very Merry Santa Claus.
From, Abigail Wilkes, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Hayleigh and I am an 8th grader at WA. For I want a new hoverboard, Led lights, butterfly decorations to hang upon my ceiling, guitar, and a tablet. I hope you get my letter Santa and I wish you a happy holiday and a Merry . You always fill up other kids and families with joy and happiness and I hope you are filled with happiness as well.
From, Hayleigh Carraway, 8th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
My name is Lizzy. I’m in 8th grade at WA. All I really asked for is softball stuff but already got them and money. Clothes are all I need so I’ll just go pick them out myself. Make-up too of course. I’m always needing make-up.
From, Lizzy McGee , 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Wyatt and I am in 8th grade at WA. For I want money, a new shotgun, and that’s it.
From, Wyatt Watford, 8th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Sawyer Stuckey and I am a 8th grader at WA I want a new shotgun and a new new winch for my four wheeler and some speakers for my four wheeler and some money and some duck calls and a sitka hat and some new boots because my dog got my last kind.
From, Sawyer Stuckey, 8th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is KateLynn Owens and I am an 8th grader at WA. For I want a lab puppy bed spread and candy, I also want a sweater shirt. I am so excited ! Hope to see you soon!
From, KateLynn Owens, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Mary Logan Atkinson and I am in the 8th grade at WA. For I want a white side by side ranger. I will ride all around my house and I want it to have a big speaker in it. I also want Golden Goose shoes. They are so cute I need a new phone. Mine is kind of old. I would like an Iphone 13.
From, Mary Logan Atkinson, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
Dear Santa, my name is Tripp and I am in the 8th grade that goes to WA for. I want a pet deer and that’s it.
From, Tripp Lambert, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa
My name is John Easten and I am in the 8th grade at WA, for I want hunting bow,and boots.I want these because they are cool and I really want to go hunting.I want the boots because my old ones do fit.I also went cloths because none of my cloths for me. I also want a xbox because I love videogames
From, John Easten Cumie, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Audrey and I am an 8th grader at WA. For I want a unicorn so I can ride it everywhere. I also want a pet mermaid. I would really like to get a panther. I think that’s all for this
From, Audrey Watford 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Annakate Johnson. I am an 8th grader in WA. For I want a shotgun. The reason I want a shotgun is so I Can go hunting and shoot a deer. Because in my family I was born and raised to hunt.
From, Annakate Johnson, 8th grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Annabele Cox. I’m in 8th grade and I go to wWilliamsburg Academy. For I want another Shotgun. I also want a banded camo Sweatshirt. I want golden gooses but I don’t think I’m gonna get them. I want more clothes
From, Annabele Cox, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Channing and I’m an 8th grader at Wa. For I want a gaming setup preferably A chair, a camera and editing software(OBS Studio). A green screen, and a Microphone to become a youtuber.
From, Micheal Graham, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Carson. I am a student at WA. I don’t want alot for because I already have a lot of stuff so I don’t need a lot. is not about Santa or gifts, it’s about the birth of Jesus and celebrating with family and friends. We do a lot to celebrate . We cook a hog and open gifts on eve. In the morning we open gifts. After we open gifts we go to Ben’s House for Breakfast. All I want is a new gun because it is really old, I need new winter clothes because they are too short, and new shoes because the sole of my shoe is falling off, and Lizzy says I need lala leamon pants.
From, Carson Sims, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Lorelei. I’m in 8th grade at WA. For I want a duck named pete. I would also like a turtle named patty. My favorite things that I want are lululemon shirts and nike hats. THe last thing I want is to parse.
From, Lorelei Brown, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Trenton. I am an 8th grader in WA. For I want some money, clothing, and whatever else you bring. So, I want a new fishing rod. Hopefully you can put a few candies in my stocking and you could put some hunting stuff under the tree too. I hope my dogs get toys and treats so they are happy! Hope everyone gets what they want!
From, Trenton Miller, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is kolby. I am an 8th grader in WA. Some things I want are a guitar and a 3d target. I want monopoly games, and an Xbox controller charger.
From, Kolby Lockliear , 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Sophie Kellahan. I’m in the 8th grade at Williamsburg Academy. I don’t want a lot for Christmas. First I want some Lululemon. I want hot pink shorts and a white aligned table top. I also want a purse. I want these high tops. I want some jeans and tops. I want a phone case. I want this hair crimper. I want these brown, white, gold and tan pair of New Balances.
From, Sophie Kellahan, 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Shelby. I am in the eighth grade at WA. for I want a yacht, horse, Iphone, and money. Also Iwant to go to space and meet an alien. I Want to have a house on the moon with my alien friends.Then return to Earth.
From, Shelby McCrea 8th GradeWilliamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Sarah. I’m an 8th grade student at Williamsburg Academy. This year I would like: clothes from lululemon on cloud shoes, new balance tennis shoes, quay sunglasses Jewelry a watch and gray nike sweatpants. These are all of the items I would like for .
From, Sarah Holladay ,8th GradeWilliamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Hannah Hall. I have a few ideas. I would like some earrings and necklaces. I also want a bean-bag chair for my room. As long as it’s not red or orange then and color is fine. I also want microns. To outline drawings in. I hope you and Mrs.Claus are doing awesome.
From, Kaitlyn Hannah 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
My name is Tiller Kennedy. I am in the eighth grade at WA. I would like earrings. Sweatpants, and a new bookbag. I would also like dance clothes and a necklace. I want many more things, but these are just a few. I really don’t need any of these, but I would enjoy having them. Have a Merry Christmas.
From, Tiller Kennedy 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy
Dear Santa,
Some things I want are a pair of Doc Martens so I can finally be tall, and some new sweaters since I wear my old ones too much. I don’t have anything else on my list. so money would also be nice so I can buy other stuff during the year. My list is pretty short since I haven’t spent much time on it, but I usually figure out what I want after . Thanks a lot!
From, Ali Ivey 8th Grade Williamsburg Academy