Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a pink house, a bicycle and a Cinderella castle.
Brooklyn Thomas
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a remote control grave digger, a big monster truck, and a monster truck school bus.
William Thompson
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a robot, a spaceship, pj masks, a train, and a dinosaur.
Jesse Whetsell
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like American girl dolls, makeup, Jasmine dress up clothes, tickle me elmo, some finger rings, and braclets.
Mary Miles Newell
Dear Santa,
For Christmas this year I want 140 cars, a race track, and a gorilla.
Grey Henderson
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a woody, a buzz lightyear, 4 wheeler, a dinosaur, some grass, and some ants.
Bryce Gamble
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a monster truck, a Motorcycle, A bicycle, and some new shoes.
Lexx Jones
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like some power rangers, Legos, dinosaurs, and some Scooby-doo monsters.
Ollie Floyd
Dear Santa,
My name is Harper and I am 4 years old. I have been a very nice girl this year. I would like a baby alive doll for Christmas.
Harper Sanders 4k
Dear Santa,
My name is Brianna and I am 4 years old. I have been a very nice girl this year. I would like a robot, the reindeer off of Frozen, and a sleigh and ball for Christmas.
Brianna Clark 4k
Dear Santa,
My name is Brody and I am 5 years old. I have been a very nice boy this year. I would like a dinosaur, basketball goal, and a basketball for Christmas.
Brody Hedrick 4k
Dear Santa,
My name is Amelia and I am 4 years old. I have been a very nice girl this year. I would like a lol doll glamper and a slime maker for Christmas.
Amelia Kurliak 4k
Dear Santa,
My name is Carson and I am 4 years old. I have been a very nice boy this year. I would like a football, soccer ball, clothes, and monster trucks. Love, Carson Hilton 4k
Dear Santa,
My name is Cooper and I am 4 years old. I have been a very nice girl this year. I would like a gun and a lol doll.
Love, Cooper Gains 4k
Dear Santa,
My name is Jayce. I have been a good boy this year! I hope I get to see a reindeer this year. For Christmas I want: Lightning McQueen, Paw Patrol, and Spongebob.
Jayce Fulton 4k
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa! My name is Mary. It is no surprise that I have been nice this year! I can’t wait for Christmas, but this year I want: a baby doll, barbies (with a dollhouse), ponies, and Paw Patrol.
Mary Whetsell 4k
Dear Santa,
I know that you already know I have been a very nice girl this year. I hope I get to see you and your reindeer, especially Rudolf! For Christmas this year I would like: all the princess dresses and an Elsa crown.
Layla Floyd 4k
Dear Santa,
I have been very nice and a good girl this year. I’m so excited for Christmas this year! I can’t wait to see what all you bring, but here is what I would like: a doll house, clothes, a TV, and Calico Critters.
Harper McClary 4k
Dear Santa,
Hey Santa! My name is Ellie, and I am very excited for Christmas this year. I have been a good girl and nice. This year I want: new fingernail polish and a new green gun.
Ellie Gause 4k
Dear Santa,
My name is Owen. I can’t wait for Christmas this year! I want a few things from you this year: Kinetic sand (colorful sand), Star Wars Play Doh, new shoes and boots! I hope you and the reindeer have a good Christmas.
Owen Newell 4k
Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas, Santa! My name is Cole, and I have been a very good boy this year. This is what I want for Christmas: a tablet and “that car thing that has new cars.”
Cole Tisdale 4k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas I wish you would bring me: a Fortnite Action Figure, Beyblade (unstoppable one), and a wrestling man. Thank you so much.
Tanner Gray Ward 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. This year I wish you would bring me Super Mario Cart, a lego set, and a wall climber. Thank you very much.
Wyatt Freeman 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. For Christmas I wish you would bring me a scooter with two wheels, a baby alive doll, and a lol surprise.
Nora Geimer 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. This year I wish you would bring me a lol doll, a skateboard, and some roller skates. Thank you very much.
Cassidy Flagler 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. For Christmas I wish that you will bring me a blanket with Santa’s face on it, a rainbow unicorn lunch box, and a golden unicorn with a golden body with a rainbow mane. Thank you so much.
Callie Gamble 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas I wish you would bring me a hoverboard, an electric scooter, and a Pirate sword. Thank you.
Giles Hanna 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. For Christmas I wish you would bring me, an elf blanket, elf pillow, and an elf watch. Thank you so much.
Ellie Belue 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas I wish you will bring me:a wonder valtreact, remote control escavader, shark ripper for beyblades.
Bentlee Thompson 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I wish you would bring me:a brush and a barbie.
Madelyn Stuckey 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I wish you would bring me: LOL OMG doll, LOL tent, and my little pony castle train.
Skylar Player 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I wish you would bring me: legos, a big dog, and a Nerf gun.
Ryder Altman 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I wish you would bring me: LOL, a watch, and a lego set.
Leni Hemingway 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I wish for you to bring me poptarts, a Christmas tree, and a doll and put it under my Christmas tree.
Julianne Caulder 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year and I wish for you to bring me roller skates, a baby alive, and a barbie camper.
Emma Kellahan 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year, I wish for you to bring me nerf guns, legos, and a hoverboard.
Fisher Morris 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year and I would like a kitten, a lol doll, and a bracelet.
Joanne Richburg 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year and I wish for you to bring me a lol doll, some legos, and an alive baby.
Liza McGill 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year I hope to get a guitar, a lego set, and a watch.
John Thomas Thompson 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year and I hope to get a Nerf gun, a transformer, and a go kart.
Hudson McGee 5k
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I would like you to bring me: a mario, Beagle puppy, and beyblade.
Rivers Powell 5k
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mrs. Claus are doing well. Will you bring me a baketball tennis shoe, a charger, a baby crib, a bunch of markers, and ten XOXO. I have been a little good. Please bring Kenzie some presents too. I love you. Santa!
Ivy Love (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mrs. Claus are doing well. Will you bring me a nitendo switch, xxbox ones, a dirt bike, and a bunny. I have been good.
Brayden (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Rudof are doing well. Will you please bring me a Havredordes, a raincoat, some rain boots that are purple, and a baby cat. I have been good. Please bring coker a toy car
Tori Monteith (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mrs. Claus are doing well. Will you bring me a hover bord, lunchpet, red boots, an I pad and a necklace. I have been vary good! Please bring Casen a dinaesor.
Cady Dorrell 1st grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mrs. Claus are doing well. Will you bring me a raincoat, skittles, 4 cats, kickball, and a X box1. I have been very good. I love you Santa.
Hunter Soles (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
I hope you and your ELFs are doing well. Will you please bring me a Crismis train, Wutido, RC Gradigr, and Glow Track. I have been very good! Merry Crismis I love Santa!
Porter Pack (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
I hope your raindeer are doing well. Will you bring me charger, a culone, teslascope, and a hoverboard. I have been little good please bring Blakely some presents. Merry christmas i love you santa.
Parker Brandon (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mra Claus are doing well. Will you bring me a cat, purfume, makeup table, princess dress, Ryans mystery playdate secret safe. I have been a little bit good. Merry christmas i love you, Santa
Summer Mccrea (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mrs. Claus are doing well. Will you bring me a puppy, a bracelet, babby. I have been very good!
Blair Woolley (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mrs. Claus are doing well. Will you bring me a unacorn, oreos, a fone, and a bice. I have been very good.
Lizzy May (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
I hope you and elfs are doing well. Will you bring me a puppy, a glow track, and a minded puppy. I have been very good! Merry Christmas. I love you, Santa.
Daren Miller (1st grade)
Dear Santa,
“I want an Xbox, a PS4, a Nerf gun, a new IPad, and a dog.”
Kamille Arnau
1st Grade.
Dear Santa,
“I want a dog tat walks and talks, a computer, a doll tat walks and talks, a hamster, and a cat tat walks and talks.”
Elizabeth Whetsell
1st Grade.
Dear Santa,
“I want a 3Ds, hotweles, Nerf gun, a himstr, and an elf pet.”
Austin Tisdale
1st Grade
Dear Santa,
“I want a real black Gamecocks helmet, Gamecocks football gluvs, a Nerf gun, Gamecocks cleats, and Gamecocks pads.”
Hayes Newell
1st Grade
Dear Santa,
“I want an Elf pet, a LOL doll, a computer, a dog, and a cat.”
Bethany Hall
1st Grade.
Dear Santa,
“I want a Nerf gun, a laser gun, and an Xbox.”
Will Hoff
1st Grade.
Dear Santa,
“I want a pet dog, ten million bucks, and an army helmet.”
Noah Matthews
1st Grade
Dear Santa,
“I want a Nof gun, hot welwe, an xbox, a can can, and cloths.”
Bryce McClary
1st Grade
Dear Santa,
“I want a glitr factry, color reveal doll, a LOL doll, reborn baby, and an amazing surprise.”
Stark Phillips
1st Grade
Dear Santa,
“I want a Rot dog, a LOL Doll, and rembow glaces.”
Cecilia Livingston
1st Grade.
Dear Santa,
“I want a 1000 peises of candy, two unicorn scwishies, 2 kitty corn scwishies, cheese balls, batteries for my printses, and a carriage.”
Lacey Drake
1st Grade
Dear Santa,
“I want a baby alive, new headphones for my IPad, and a microphone for Christmas. I also want everybody to have a good Christmas.”
Jordan Sanders (JoJo)
1st Grade
Dear Santa,
“I want a smart robot, a hunting game, and a Star Wars BB8.”
Dalton Woolley
1st Grade
Dear Santa,
I want some LOL Dalls and a American Girl Dall. Also, I want a electric scooter and a twisty pet and some Barbis.
Love, Elli-Anna Stone
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
I want a kitten, a puppy, a bunny, LOL Dolls, OMG Dolls, Barbie Dolls, and Polly Pockets.
Love, Abigail Player
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
Can I have a puppies and to marry my boyfriend. His name is Danielle Radcliffe.
Love, Elizabeth Schutte
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
I want LOL Surprise D.J. B.B, LOL Surprise Midnight D.J, Polly Pocket Mega Mall, Polly Pocket Tiny is Mity, LOL Surprise House, LOL Surprise Shally, and Chocolate. Santa, I hop you have a nice Cresmos.
Love, Elaina Easler
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a goldfish and legos. I also want a playstation 3. Beyblades would be nice too.
Love, Parker Floyd
2nd grade
Dear Santa
I would like a Hoverboard and a Electric Scooter. Also I would like a Play Stashon 2 games.
Love, Hank Wise
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
A football, a dog, a beyblade.
Love, Jack McKenzie
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a Jrmensheprd and a Play stashin too.
Love, Allen Colt McKenzie
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a Twisty pet, bike, toy bunny, LOL Surprise, and a OMG ball.
Love, Haley McKenzie
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
Can I have mermaid tails, puppies, OMG dolls, American Gril dolls, and LOL dolls.
Love, Gretchen Dukes
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
I would like a goldfish and a pet puppy. Also, I would like a lava lamp. Last Christmas I got the best presents ever. I loved them. How are the elves?
Love, Emma Filyaw
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
I would like a LOL doll’s and I would like a pet bunny I have been graet this year. How are your elves? Also, I would like a lava lamp. Happy holidays Santa!!!!! How are your reindeer?
Love, Corinne Kellahan
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a grappling hook and legos. I also want minecraft and Bay Blade.
Love, Rowdy Burrows
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a great Christmas.
Love, Julia M. Ward
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Lizzie Jones. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: an IPhone 6, a bunny, two cats, a popsocket, and a clock. Merry Christmas Santa!
Lizzie Jones
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Addison Kellahan. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: an OMG Doll, makeup, a makeup kit, a Frozen book, and a cat toy. Merry Christmas Santa!
Love, Addison Kellahan
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Delainey Hanna. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: a hoverboard, a guinea pig, a kitten, Chelsea’s ClubHouse, and a cursive book.
Love, Delainey Hanna
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Hallie Tisdale. This year i have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: a big guinea pig stuffed animal, a keyboard, a clock, a math set, and a reading set.
Hallie Tisdale
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Kerrie Strickland. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: a LOL Doll, a big plushy, a Disney World Playhouse, a reading set, and an ipad.
Love, Kerrie Strickland
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Anne. This year I have been nice. For Christmas I would like: a princess suitcase, LOL Dolls, an IPad, a toy elf, and a toy reindeer.
Love, Anne Kellahan
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Landon. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: an Xbox, toy boxes, a football, pencils, and a dirtbike.
Love, Landon Marlowe
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Isaac. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: a Spiderman toy, Descendants movie, zombies movies, a new phone, and a dino t-rex.
Love, Isaac Hernandez
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is AJ. For Christmas this year I would like: a football helmet, an IPhone, a puppy, football pads, and football cleats.
Love, AJ Ottinger
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Jake. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: a four wheeler, a boxcard, a puppy, a football, and a Clemson popsocket.
Love, Jake Hedrick
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Emmett. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: a bike, a Harry Potter ball, a Harry Potter train, and a Harry Potter dragon.
Love, Emmett Johnson
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Bayler. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like: an XBox, an XBox controller, a dirt bike, dirt bike gear, and games.
Love, Bayler Hall
2nd Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Whitney Tisdale. Will you please bring me a slime kit and an iPhone? Also I would like a baby doll. I hope you have a save trip home.
Love, Whitney Tisdale
2nd grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and your elves doing? I want a bike, a skateboard, two Nerf guns and two minecraft controllers.
Travis Tisdale
3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How have you been? Santa can i have a small chainsaw, an Iphone 11 Pro, a $1,000 bubble tent, a PS4 and a motor cycle with the gear to go with it?Love,
Bently Brown
3rd Grade
Dear Santa,
How have you been I had the best time with my toys last year. I cant wait until I eat with you and my cousin ok lets get to the toys so I really want a zom, zom and a unicorn please give it to me I will give you a babby when its born I may not but uh i will give you th moma unicorn ps I love you santa clause and tell mrs. clause i said hi one more thing please give Will my cousin his two front teethLove,
Sarah Wesley Cox
3rd grade
Dear Santa,
I love you Santa. How is Mrs.Clause, and how are your reindeer? What I want for Christmas is for everyone to get what they want from you. Have a fun trip.
Paige Kellahan
3rd grade
Dear Santa,
I no i have been bad do you forgive me if you forgive me can you get me a lego star wars republic gunship, and can you get me a scoop for my 22 riffle , and can you get me a fortnite nerf gun please and thank you
Asher Nettles
3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How is cocky?what i want for christmas is an x-box and a headset.squishies white hydro flask a pink,mango,ornge,yellow,teal,green,lightgreen,lightblue and purple posca pens.
Olivia McClam
3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? What is it like up there? This is what I want for Christmas. I want a gaming pc, a monitor for a pc , money, Steam gift cards, and that’s it I think . Have a holly jolly Christmas.
Carson Tisdale
3rd grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a good Christmas this year. I would like a my life doll’s, and clothes, and a music player. I hope you and the elves and reindeer, I hope sparkles and shimmer are friends.
Kinsley Prosser
3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How is it up there? It’s good down here! I would like hoverboard charger, drone, and a Lenovo 2+1. And 1 more thing. A roblox game car. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and have a happy flight.
Aubryn Godwin
3rd grade
Dear Santa,
Are you ready for some warm cookies and some fresh milk? I think you are! I would like a hoverboard, L.o.l. Doll, L.o.l. Camper, and scrunches. Hope you have a great Christmas.
Leigh Anne Holladay
3rd grade
Dear Santa
How the reindeer. Am I going to get a elf? Can please have a Trampoline, crocs, lig pillow wrapping paper and Hydra Flask.
Alijah Seay
3rd grade
Dear Santa,
Hi, how are you? I’ve been good this year how are the elves and reindeer? Thank you for each present you brought me. I would like a nintendo switch lite, LOL. dolls, and new scooter. What are your favorite cookies? I hope you and Mrs.Claus have a happy new year!
Kelsey Jeffers, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How’s the weather up there. Do you still like cookies? Anyway I want a youtube camera, I also want a nerf titan, and a titanic model. And how are the reindeer?
Jack Mcgill, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
Why do you live in the north pole? I’ve been good this year. This year I would like a beyblade, remote control car, Nerf gun, and a trip to Disneyland. Thank you for all the toys you get me.
John Wayne McKenzie, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
I have been good this year. I would like a Nerf Mini Gun, a big Legos set, and 2 Metal Beyblades. And Merry Christmas.
Henry Brown, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs.Clause? I hope you’re doing good this year. What I want this year is a LOL camper, a barbie doll, an OMG doll, LOL’s, a LOL house, hydroflask, and clothes. I hope you have a good flight and a Merry Christmas.
Josey Dail, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How is rudolf? I want a rock craw buggy, an airsoft gun, a crossbow, a paintball gun, duck calls, a cremore, a fishing rod, ghost recon, and a ukulele.
Greyson Hill, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How are you? How is Elfie Nelfie? I’m sorry for some of the things I’ve done please forgive me. I would like the LOL Winter Doll House, the LOL Glamper, makeup, art supplies, some candy, squishy, and a new case for my Ipod. How is Mrs. Clause? I will leave you cookies and milk. I’ll leave some food for the reindeer. Have a Merry Christmas.
Avery Belue, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
What is it like at the Northpole? It’s been very cold in Kingstree and I don’t like it. I would like a metal fusion beyblade, Pokemon cards, and a Nintendo switch.
Josh Holt, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How is it going up there? It’s been cold here I dont like it. I would like an electric blanket, slime, candy, backpack, clothes, squishies booties, lol doll, scrunchies, games and bath bomb.
Sophia Jacobs, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing good.The elves have been doing awesome I would like 7 lol dolls, 3 pikmi pops, a hover board, and a youtube camera.
Ali Pania, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How has the elves been? I would like a LOL doll camper, lol dolls, robux, and art set. I will leave cookies.
Allie Miles, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How are the elves? How cold is it up there? I would like a dirt bike, Beyblades, Nerf guns, and a go cart. Merry Christmas.
Gavin Matthews, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and the reindeer? I like all the presents you gave me last year! This year I would like a mini 4 wheeler, clothes, nice rings, and some ipad cases!
Anna Rhett Hedrick, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
How are you? How is the weather up there? It is cold here. Have I been good or bad? This is what I really want for Christmas this year a trampoline, iPhone 11, a bike, a hoverboard, scrunchies, squishies, erasers, hydroflask, a unicorn, elves, apple watch, a tv, lights! PS How is Mrs. Claus?
Copelyn Mims, 3rd grade
Dear Santa,
I would like an apple Ipad, Lilly earbuds, Lily cup, Lilly I.D. case, and an elf on the shelf. I think I deserve these gifts because I’ve been really good this year.
Love, Ella Ruth (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a 4 Wheeler, a new Waterproof Case, a pair of Airpods, a Bulldog, a Big Fat Balloon Man. I think I should have these because I have been good this year and I have good grades.
From, Johnavon Fulton (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I would like an Iphone 11, airpods, baseball & football, Xbox, and hunting stuff. I want these things because I have been good this year.
From, Henderson Livingston (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I really need a waterproof speaker and microphone, ps4, skateboard, great dane puppy, and airpods.
Love, Maggie Jones (4th grade)
Dear Sant,
I want bluetooth air pods, I want these because i have been good this year.
From, Jack McCrea (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I would like a phone, barbies, lol’s surprise, stuffed animal rudolph, and a popsocket. I think I deserve these gifts because I have been good and I help people as much as I can.
Love, Lillian Rapley (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I would like expo markers for my teacher, hats, Nerf gun, camo jacket, and a puppy because I have been a good boy this year.
From, Bradon Caulder (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I want a goldendoodle puppy and a new matching Iphone XR cases with Margret Ryan. That’s all I want.
Love, Ann Hadley (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
This year i want an Iphone XR, white Vans, clothes, jeans from American Eagle, and Air pods. I think I deserve these things because I have been very good this year.
Love, Morgan Lane (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a basketball goal, new phone cases, robux gift card, and Stephen Curry jersey and shoes.
From, Carter Copeland (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
What I would like for Christmas is: airpods, a laptop, and to help my dad get better. I deserve these gifts because I’ve been nice this year.
Love, Peyton Copeland (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I want a white Iphone XR, a Tinfoil paper, a matching Iphone case, a White Christmas Tree, and a puppy. I think I should get these because I love Jesus and you too Santa.
Love, Margaret Ryan (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I want a Nintendo Switch, a Puppy, an Elf on the Shelf, a Remote- Controlled helicopter, and a ride on Rudolf. Santa you should give me these things because I am a nice person.
From, John Schutte (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a new set of headphones; for everyone to have a merry christmas, for safe travels for Santa, and a Nerf gun. I think I should get these gifts because I’ve been nice.
From, Eli Brown (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I would like : an Iphone Xs Max; Clothes, Old Navy and American Eagle Jeans, Room Decorations, and Cute Jackets. I deserve these gifts because I have been a good girl.
Love, Rylee Mccrea (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is: an Ultra Nerf Gun; Elite Titan Nerf Gun, and an Iphone. I should receive these things for Christmas because I’ve been good this year.
From, Weston McKenzie (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
What I want is a truck for daddy, my brother to be nice to me, my Grandfather to get better, and money. I should get these because I’ve been good and really want my family to get more than me.
Love, Anna Grace Godwin (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
What I would like for Christmas is: airpods, a laptop, and to help my dad get better. I deserve these gifts because I’ve been nice this year.
Love, Peyton Copeland (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I want a bike with no training wheels,a clock, 3 hats, muck boots, and an elf. I want these because mine are old or i’ve never had one.
From, Jake Christmas (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is: a puppy; a guitar, skates, car, and a nintendo switch. I want these things because I’ve been very good.
From, Nathan Cohen (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a fitbit. I should receive this gift because I’ve been a good boy.
From, Cameron Gamble (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
I would like: a light for my room, a new cup, a puppy, makeup, and some bath bombs. I should receive these because I’ve been a good girl this year.
Love, Alexis Worrell (4th grade)
Dear Santa,
What’s up Santa! Thank you for all the presents you gave me last year. I liked every one of them, especially the trampoline! Alright now, what I would like this year is an X box One S with some games, an Easton batting bag and some comfortable sports clothes, like Adidas. I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Your Friend,
Charlie Caulder
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are the elves? I’m thankful for all the gifts from last Christmas. I would love to get a scuff controller and also I would love a jug machine and a computer mouse for my computer for my laptop. A Happy New Year to you.
Your Friend,
Al Casselman
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are you? I know you are busy. I have been good this year! I’m thankful for what you do. If you don’t mind, I would love to get a laptop. I would also love to get a big bean bag.
Rena Lin
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are the elves? I would love to meet you at the North Pole one day. Maybe one year my family could go on the Polar Express. I think I’ve been pretty good this year. I know you have been working hard. These are some things I would like for Christmas: hoop earrings, clothes, and shoes. Have a great Christmas!
Ashlee Cook
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus? I know you are very busy. I’m thankful for all the gifts you bring and I have been good all year. I would really love a new scooter, and Nintendo Switch controllers (pink and green), if you don’t mind. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Brooke Goodwin
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer doing? I really liked the presents you gave me last year. I would love to get a new I-phone. I would also love an Apple watch. I would really like an I-tunes gift card. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Katherine Holliday
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are the elves? I know your very busy. I hope you think I have been good this year. I am really thankful for the gifts that you gave me last year for Christmas. I would like beats and a dirt bike. Merry Christmas Santa!
Your friend,
Sammy Tomlinson
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and your elves? I want a boat for christmas. I promise I’ve been good, for the most part. Really, there is just one thing, I want to meet you. Have a great Christmas Santa.
Yours Truly,
Michael Ard
5th grade
Dear Santa,
Hi, How are you? How was your Thanksgiving? Here are a few things I want for christmas Airpods, Apple watch, a new fishing rod, and some Nerf guns.
Your friend,
Marlin Morris
5th grade
Dear Santa
How have you been? How’s the wife and the elves? I love all the things you bought last year. I think I’ve been pretty good this year, so here are some things I would like for christmas… A laptop, a bean bag chair, and mini brands, tell Ladybug I miss her.
Your friend,
Locklyn Hall
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and the elves? I know you are very busy. How was your thanksgiving? We put up the tree and the elf is being good. Also, I would love to have a puppy and an apple watch. I also want an Iphone 11 and a james charles makeup pallet. I hope you have a very good day and a Happy New Year.
Reagan Strong
5th grade
Dear Santa,
Hey Santa! How are you and Mrs.Claus? I’m glad you give all that time for kids. I would like a Vector robot and vr headset and my very important wish is to make my dad happy. Have a Happy New Year.
Rylan Whetsell
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? I know you are very busy so I am not asking for a lot, if I have more I’ll send a note home with my elf. I would like a black hoverboard, some Instax mini camera film, and a boy toddler cabbage patch doll with blue eyes and freckles. Thank you and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Your Biggest Fan,
Perry Wise
5th grade
Dear Santa
I hope you have been doing well. I would like a baseball bat, another xbox and a headset please. Merry Christmas and have a good year.
Grant Small
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are you? I’m pretty good at being good. Can I tell you one thing? I would like a headset.Thats not all I want but that’s all for now. Have a good Christmas! Ps: Thanks for last Christmas.
Tyler J. Prosser
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are you and the elves? I’m doing good. I don’t want anything, because I have everything I need. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Natalie Strickland
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? I’ve been good this year and I was so excited for the elves to come. I hope you’re doing well. This year I’d love makeup, Lauren Daigle concert tickets, and a pair of black and white vans. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Blakely Hundley
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? I have been good all year. I would love to have a computer and printer. I also would like a girlfriend for Snowball. Hope you have a wonderful year! Ps. I wish the best for your trip.
Kaydn Cooper
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are you this year? I would like you to bring me a PS4, an Apple watch series 4, and Air pods. I hope you have a good New Year!
Dylan Tisdale
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are the elves? I want Air pods and an Apple watch. I would love to meet you at the North pole!
Landon Matthews
5th grade
Dear Santa
Hey, how old are you? Hope you can get to my house this year. I want a headset and a controller. I also would like to have graphics for my dirt bike.
Anthony Cook
5th grade
Dear Santa,
How are you? I bet the elves are busy preparing! I’ve decided this year that I’m getting family more gifts! Thank you for all my presents last year! I’ve been thinking about almost all year about what I want! I only want a few things! You might want God to help a tad! First, I want a fuzzy blanket! Secondly, I want my Papa to get better! Thirdly, I would like some art supplies, and Fourthly, some canvases! Last but not least I would also like a scooter! The cookies and milk will be waiting!
Shay Carraway
5th grade
Dear Santa,
I bet you are very busy right now. There are three things I want for Christmas. The first thing … I want is some more socks, because holes just appear. The second thing is some xbox games because I get tired of fortnite. The last thing I want is a camo pellet gun because my bb gun broke. Merry Christmas!
Hall Dukes
5th Grade