As we wrap up the 2021-2022 school year, we would like to say how exciting it has been to connect with our alumni while we recognized and honored them. Our final spotlight falls on Ted Wyrick. Ted lived in Kingstree from 3rd grade until he graduated in 1989. While at WA, he was involved in football, golf, basketball, honor society, student council, and yearbook. After high school he went to Texas A&M University, and graduated in 1994 as a Distinguished Military Graduate with a degree in Engineering. After college, he was commissioned into the Army as a 2nd Lieutenant and was selected for the Aviation Branch. He trained in helicopters in flight school in Ft. Rucker, AL, flying the UH-1 Huey and OH-58 Kiowa helicopters. Ted also completed Air Assault School and trained to repel out helicopters. After flight school, he was selected for a fixed wing transition and flew a military intelligence airplane called a RC-12 in Hunter Army Airfield, GA. He remained in active duty for just over 8 years, finishing his military career as a Captain in charge of the Flight School for the RC-12 in Ft Huachuca, Arizona. He got his MBA from Auburn University while in the army. Following his Army service, he started his commercial flying career at Comair Airlines in Cincinnati, OH. In 2005, he was hired by United Airlines (then Continental Airlines pre-merger). He has piloted the Boeing 737 and the Boeing 787 as well as worked in the Chief Pilot’s office as a Flight Manager. He is currently a B737 Captain and Flight Instructor at United Airlines and one of the few instructors with evaluator status. In his free time, he enjoys working on cars and is an avid volunteer with an organization called God’s Garage. They take donated cars and give them away to single moms, widows, and families of deployed military in our immediate communities. He started volunteering in 2015 as a mechanic on Monday nights. It has expanded so much since then, and he now sits on the Board of Directors since 2016 and was chairman of the board in 2019-2020. He said “I am incredibly proud to be part of this organization and I know I receive more than I give.” He met his wife Amy at Texas A&M and they have been married for 27 years. They have two kids, Meredith who is a freshman at Baylor University and Mark, who is a junior in high school. His family has three rescue dogs: Scooter, Skippy, and Sally. He still remains in contact with his friends from high school. He thinks that Williamsburg Academy prepared him well for college from the perspective in that he knew who he was and how to value a person based on their heart. He says he misses Brown’s BBQ and the Swamp Fox golf course.