1000 Sandy Bay Road Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone: (843) 355-9400
Fax: (843) 355-7734

The Bass Fishing Team Kicks Off a New Season

This year, the Williamsburg Academy Bass Fishing Team, a member of the South Carolina High School Bass Challenge Tournament Trail, consists of four teams spanning grades 8th-11th.The teams are as follows: Luke Feagin (10th) and Marlin Morris (8th); Kayden Carter (10th) and JD Sholar (11th); Meredith McFadden (11th) and Allie McFadden (11th); Will McCutchen (12th) and Bryce Blackburn (10th). The team kicked off their season with a tough day out on Lake Wateree at Clearwater Cove. After a 2:45 am wakeup call for some of our team members, teams blasted off at the first safe light and didn’t get a moment of rest until weigh-in at 3:00 pm. JD and Kayden weighed in one fish for 2.02lbs, and Luke and Marlin weighed in one fish for 1.69lbs. Meredith and Allie came up a little short, but they will all do better next month at Santee. Wateree is always a tough lake to fish, but our boys and girls never give up until the final call for the last cast. Teams were sporting new jerseys thanks to our generous sponsors, and everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal thanks to school sponsor Mrs. Lori’s tireless efforts to provide for her team!
Luke Feagin, Student Correspondent