Williamsburg Academy is an independent, college preparatory, co-educational day school for grades 4K-12. Williamsburg Academy is accredited at the Advanced level by the South Carolina Independent School Association. By selecting Williamsburg Academy, parents are providing their children with an academic tradition that is filled with achievement and success.
The student population represents students of various racial, religious, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Our students are actively involved in many academic as well as service organizations including the Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Leo Club, Interact Club, National Jr. Honor Society and National Honor Society. Our students participate in projects that will have an impact not only on their school but also on their community. Williamsburg Academy students place a high priority on academics. This is evident by the number of students who continue their education after high school.
The 26 graduating seniors from the class of 2021 exemplify Williamsburg Academy’s legacy of academic excellence. Our Williamsburg Academy graduates were accepted into the following colleges and universities:
University of South Carolina
Coastal College
Dean College
Horry Georgetown Technical College
Florence-Darlington Technical College
Wofford College
Clemson University Bridge program
Presbyterian College
The U.S. Army
College of Charleston
Williamsburg Technical College
Chowan University
Francis Marion University
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