1000 Sandy Bay Road Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone: (843) 355-9400
Fax: (843) 355-7734

Teacher of the Year

Lower School Teacher of The Year

Rebecca Cox grew up in Kingstree, SC and graduated from Williamsburg Academy in 1999. She graduated from Francis Marion University with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education. Mrs. Cox is married to Kevin Cox, and they have two children that are currently students at Williamsburg Academy. Savannah Grace is in the 12th grade, and Sarah Wesley is in 8th Grade. She has spent the last 25 years at Williamsburg Academy, either as a student or teacher. She absolutely loves this school and is incredibly thankful that she has the ability to spend her days at a place that feels like a second home. Rebecca Cox is very honored and proud to be chosen as the Lower School teacher of the Year!

Upper School Teacher of The Year

Debbie Epps Ipock was born in Kingstree, South Carolina and grew up in Greeleyville, South Carolina. She is a graduate of Laurence Manning Academy and Clemson University where she studied British-English literature. Mrs. Ipock always knew that she wanted to be a teacher. As a young child, she would create her own classroom with a desk, old school papers of hers and her brothers, a homemade gradebook and her stuffed animals for students. Mary Ham, her senior English teacher at Laurence Manning, has been her role model for many years. She proudly confirms that once Mrs. Ham taught her British Literature, she was hooked for life.

Mrs. Ipock loves teaching at Williamsburg Academy and feels it has been such a gift. She is married to her husband David and they have 2 children and 5 grandchildren. She began her teaching career at Chester County and then continued on to many other programs such as: Charlotte -Mecklenburg (Teacher and District Academic Coach for high school ELA), Florence 3, Foundation Director for Williamsburg Regional Hospital, Williamsburg County (Teacher and District Coordinator of ELA and Foreign Languages, WIlliamsburg Academy 85-88 and currently). Her interests include cooking, reading, the Clemson Tigers and college football, bible history, British history and culture, traveling, volunteering, boxer rescue, and the mountains. She is entirely thankful to be chosen for Teacher of the Year and appreciates everything that WA has to offer for her career.