1000 Sandy Bay Road Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone: (843) 355-9400
Fax: (843) 355-7734


Our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)

Working Together To Make Williamsburg Academy The Best It Can Be!

Williamsburg Academy PTO is an independent, parent-teacher organization whose purpose is to promote the highest standards of education at WA, provide an open forum between parents and faculty, and help to make parents aware of academic issues. We do this by:

  • Providing volunteer activities at school. Volunteering is a great way for parents to get to know our faculty, staff and other WA families.
  • Fundraising to provide dollars not always available in the budget for extras in and outside of the classroom. Some of our recent purchases include kindergarten playground equipment, assisting with teacher/classroom supplies and assisting with laptops for teachers.
  • Hosting and Organizing Teacher/Staff appreciation events throughout the year.
  • Assisting with school beautification projects.
  • Hosting information sessions for parents/students on bullying or other issues.
  • Collecting Box Tops for Education (more info HERE) to purchase additional school equipment.

WA Cookbooks are on sale for $10.00 from Mrs. Claire Wise.

Print our FAMOUS PTO CHILI recipe at THIS LINK.

Please Don’t forget to Collect Your Box Tops and Send Them to School!!!


Williamsburg Academy is always looking for volunteers to help with PTO hot dog days, Field Day and other school-wide events throughout the school year. If you are willing to volunteer with PTO, please send an email to: Mrs. Claire Wise


Together We Make A Difference!